New Cards News Rush Duel Drag Your Opponent Down With New “Skull Servant” Support! [RD/KP19]By NeoArkadiaNovember 1, 20248 Power in numbers
New Cards News OCG & TCG Awaken The Strongest Ka With “Blue-Eyes of the Heart” [ROTA]By SatchmoJune 8, 202444 Grandpa’s Blue-Eyes
New Cards News Promo Rush Duel Harness Witchery and Trickery with “Mage Power”! [RD/SJMP]By NeoArkadiaApril 15, 20247 We’re going big time!
Archetype Discussion Articles Casual Decklist Deck Building Decklists Strategy Video CDP: Mikanko with Phantom Knight, Burning Abyss, and Danger!By QuincymccoyJuly 25, 20230 Equips, Hell, and Fog Blades!
FAQ Rulings Updates [OCG] 06/07/18 Weekly Rulings UpdateBy RedshiftJune 8, 20180 Covering more cards from recent products.