Sneaking right in, nin~ nin~ nin~
The front card of each pack will always be a Super Rare.
The second card in each Pack is a Secret Rare with a 1 in 4 chance of being a Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare (i.e. a 1 in 8 chance for either).
However, the third card in each pack will come from the 200 card “Nostalgia Pool”. These cards only come in Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare. So far it seems to be once per box that it upgrades to Quarter Century Secret Rare.
The fourth and fifth cards are Ultra Rares with a 1 in 6 chance of being a Collector’s Rare or Ultimate Rare (i.e. a 1 in 12 chance for either).
This ultimately means that in a box of 24 packs you can expect (but aren’t guaranteed) roughly:
24 Super Rares
18 Secret Rares
3 Quarter Century Secret Rares
3 Platinum Secret Rares
40 Ultra Rares
4 Ultimate Rares
24 ‘Nostalgia’ cards
The Nostalgia Card is Platinum Secret Rare with a chance to be a Quarter Century Secret Rare, that based on current available data, currently appears to be one per box. Below is an included list of shown cards.
Card Name | Section |
Monster Reborn | Main Set |
Ritual Beast Tamer Elder | Main Set |
Triple Tactics Thrust | Main Set |
Six Samurai United | Main Set |
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton | Main Set |
Danger! Bigfoot! (Alternate Art) | Main Set |
Punishment Dragon | Main Set |
Rivalry of Warlords | Main Set |
Salamangreat Circle | Main Set |
Madolche Salon | Main Set |
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms | Main Set |
Cynet Mining | Main Set |
Fire King Island | Main Set |
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell | Main Set |
Branded Opening | Main Set |
S:P Little Knight | Main Set |
Dragonmaid Hospitality | Main Set |
Lord of the Heavenly Prison | Main Set |
Destiny HERO – Malicious | Main Set |
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack | Main Set |
That Grass Looks Greener | Main Set |
Summoning Curse | Main Set |
Clockwork Night | Main Set |
Laundry Dragonmaid | Main Set |
Trap Trick | Main Set |
Thunder Dragondark | Main Set |
Grave of the Super Ancient Organism | Main Set |
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls | Main Set |
Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant | Main Set |
Bonfire | Main Set |
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos | Main Set |
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy | Main Set |
Ancient Gear Howitzer | Main Set |
Diabellstar the Black Witch | Main Set |
Revealer of the Ice Barrier | Main Set |
Nemeses Flag | Main Set |
Thunder Dragon Colossus | Main Set |
Ancient Gear Fortress | Main Set |
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon | Main Set |
Atlantean Dragoons | Main Set |
One for One | Main Set |
Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight | Main Set |
Crystal Shark | Main Set |
Mermail Abyssteus | Main Set |
Fabled Lurrie | Main Set |
Heat Wave | Main Set |
Ancient Gear Ballista | Main Set |
Nemeses Corridor | Main Set |
Knightmare Phoenix | Main Set |
Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle | Main Set |
Secret Six Samurai – Hatsume | Main Set |
Black Rose Moonlight Dragon | Main Set |
Secret Six Samurai – Kizaru | Main Set |
Toadally Awesome | Main Set |
Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince | Main Set |
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders | Main Set |
Armageddon Knight | Main Set |
Ostinato | Main Set |
Return of the Dragon Lords | Main Set |
Schuberta the Melodious Maestra | Main Set |
Red-Eyes Insight | Main Set |
House Dragonmaid | Main Set |
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils | Main Set |
Dark Beckoning Beast | Main Set |
Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe | Main Set |
Allure of Darkness | Main Set |
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries (Alt Art) | Main Set |
Danger! Bigfoot! | Main Set |
Swap Frog | Main Set |
Dragonmaid Lorpar | Main Set |
Polymerization (Anime Artwork) | Main Set |
Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku | Main Set |
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames | Main Set |
Super Polymerization | Main Set |
Cyber-Stein | Nostalgia Set |
Full Force Virus | Nostalgia Set |
Mechanical Chaser | Nostalgia Set |
Jurrac Guaiba | Nostalgia Set |
Magical Hats | Nostalgia Set |
Fissure | Nostalgia Set |
Card Trooper | Nostalgia Set |
Il Blud | Nostalgia Set |
Mausoleum of the Emperor | Nostalgia Set |
Instant Fusion | Nostalgia Set |
Mobius the Frost Monarch | Nostalgia Set |
Imperial Order | Nostalgia Set |
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World | Nostalgia Set |
Duel Tower | Nostalgia Set |
Nekroz of Trishula | Nostalgia Set |
Spirit Reaper | Nostalgia Set |
Snipe Hunter | Nostalgia Set |
Koa’Ki Meiru Drago | Nostalgia Set |
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts | Nostalgia Set |
Dark Magician Girl (Alt Art, 2022 Tins) | Nostalgia Set |
Upstart Goblin | Nostalgia Set |
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks | Nostalgia Set |
Soul Servant | Nostalgia Set |
Breaker the Magical Warrior | Nostalgia Set |
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! | Nostalgia Set |
Elemental HERO Prisma | Nostalgia Set |
Infernity Archfiend | Nostalgia Set |
Blowback Dragon | Nostalgia Set |
Future Fusion | Nostalgia Set |
Icarus Attack | Nostalgia Set |
Elemental HERO Thunder Giant | Nostalgia Set |
Exiled Force | Nostalgia Set |
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World | Nostalgia Set |
Surprised this one’s actually good! RIP the 2024 megatins
And When Drytron Nova Reprint?
I wonder if the new arts for Polymerization and One for One will be in this set…
Poly alt art was revealed already:
Poly was already confirmed in that weird Instagram post. It and Shizuku are confirmed getting their alt art. The question is are the alt arts in the main pool or gonna be separate reprints in the nostalgia pool?
And the ones still unconfirmed if getting their alt arts are: House Dragonmaid, Dragonmaid Hospitality, Juggernaut Liebe, One for One.
@Vg: House Dragonmaid was confirmed a while ago to have her alt art in here.
Little Knight and Thrust reprints LESGOOO
RIP Chamber Dragonmaid tho
and RIP to the Tin Thrust
I’m glad to see kizaru and hatsume reprint, they are the first reprints since the original set.
Hopefully I can finally afford S:P little knight(please don’t be too expensive like the last tin)
It’s not gonna be expensive. It’s getting SIX rarity prints in this, with FOUR slots to pull one. It’s gonna be a few bucks at MOST. You’re gonna be able to afford it.
Every now and then the TCG gets crumbs of a good set like this and RC1. Wish Konami west would do that more instead of hyperinflating the rates for any decent cards in the OCG
This very likely kills the mega tin product line, since Konami made them terrible just to put those same chase cards here
This is Konami way of saying there sorry for creating crap products like Rarity Collection 2 and Mega Tin 2024.
“Konami saying they are sorry”
RA02 wasn’t bad per se but not good enough to beat what was RA01
So they give us crap like Thunder Giant instead of highly desired E-HERO reprints like Air Neos. FFS…
Someone needs to make Air Neos OTK meta.
Don’t sweat it. I’m not happy either. Guess they’ll save it for the last mega tin in December. Ik it’s gonna be in master duel though.
Jesus screw your air neos im tired of hearing about it.
Great card selection. Though I’m miffed no Air or Reg Neos. Hoping the price isn’t as expensive as rc2. And even less than the first. Like what is the rough estimate?
What I im seeing and understand is that there’s still 7 cards in the main set. 200 cards for the nostalgic means there’s going to be 200 cards form there so there’s still a lot to be revealed then
Another reprint set NOT including Abyssgaios.
Konami like “Yeah we know the tins sucked too”
I love how everybody was absolutely sh*tting on this set for MONTHS, and now that everybody actually realizes how the set works, they’re on board.
back then we knew next to nothing on the set and with how lackluster RA02 was people expected less
My only real nitpick is crystal shark over abyss shark. The latter is 15-20 bucks.
Abyss Shark isn’t $15-$20
I wonder if they’ll ever give us the Evil Twin alt arts and the others we’re missing from like 2 years ago anytime soon.
Wheres cyber dragon, cyber end and machine dup?