09/11/2014 Assorted rulings:
Author: Redshift
08/28/14 Assorted Rulings:
Yes, they really called it that.
08/09/14 Raging Masters:
…of the Noble Knights.
The latest blog article shows us five more cards being reprinted in Battle Pack 3: Monster League. (Like The Immortal Bushi…) https://yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=6423 Magical Exemplar Lord Poison Enraged Battle Ox Lion Alligator Tree Otter
Konami’s blog has updated, giving players a preview of an upcoming TCG-exclusive archetype that will be included in Duelist Alliance.
07/17/2014 Assorted rulings:
http://shonenjump.viz.com/node/2221 The choices are:
07/03/2014 Assorted rulings: