10/31/2013 Assorted rulings:
Browsing: Rulings
“Does X Target?” used to be the most common question asked of judges in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!. “What’s your…
10/26/2013 Duelist Pack: Kastle Siblings:
10/17/2013 Assorted rulings:
10/10/2013 Assorted rulings:
Japan usually gets their cards first. Each core set, we do get 10 12 16 ‘world premiere’ cards, but also…
10/02/2013 Assorted rulings:
09/26/2013 Duelist Pack: Yuuma 2: Gogogo and Dododo:
A question I’ve been getting a lot lately concerns how various negation effects interact with one another. So, I’m going…
Macro Cosmos is an interesting card. It banishes any and all cards sent to the Graveyard, even Xyz Materials. So…