This one is for fans of Zexal.
Author: NeoArkadia
Clearer Pictures of the Bujin and Gladiator Beasts
Re-Cover and The Agent of Entropy – Uranus Source
The new card “Lillybot”! The New Structure Deck also includes “Bottomless Trap Hole”!
It’s here! Update 1: Stellarknight Triveil Update 2: Rescue Rat’s effect. Update 3: Clearer art of Rescue Rat. Update 4: El Shaddoll Fusion Update 5: Fixed up a massive error on Ultimate Herald. Update 6: A new picture of The Dark Duelist and a picture of Elemental HERO Core. And some information about Hokuto and Masumi. Update 7: Next Challengers’ Cover Card is confirmed.
It’s finally here, those of you who like imports.
Konami’s finally put up some new information about Duelist Alliance, which gives us the English Names for the three new Deck Themes!
It’s the next V Jump Edition Pack (which will reach players’ hands in August)…
Protect your Deck with the Pendulum of Souls
And this product has been changed a bit too…