Well, this is it. She’s here…
Author: Dan
Top 16 at ARG Open Series – Fort Worth, TX: • 4 Spellbook • 9 E Dragon Variants • 1 Hieratic • 1 Blackwing 1 Brink, Brady 23 2 Smith, Frazer 23 3 Bousman, Dalton 23 4 Cooper, Paul 22 5 Hoban, Patrick 22 6 Luna, Fili, 22 7 Duren, Justin 22
It’s a widely known fact that in the new Silver Dragon Value Box, you get a few packs of Duelist Pack: Kaiba, and there’s even an upcoming reprint of its Yugi counterpart. It’s a little known fact, however, that these Unlimited Print runs have PSCT. Now, why would this matter to Dueling Network?
Most if not all stores you’ll find that carry Yu-Gi-Oh! cards have OTS status, and therefore are not allowed to sell cards from sets like Duel Terminals and Champion packs. What this means for the player-base is that their secondary market needs have to be met by other players, through things like YCS’s and Ebay. This leads to ridiculously inflated prices due to significantly less competition.
Macro Cosmos is an interesting card. It banishes any and all cards sent to the Graveyard, even Xyz Materials. So what happens when I activate something like Polymerization or Gallis the Star Beast?
Two new OCG Imports!
As the owner of this site, I get a lot of interesting offers, e-mails, and requests, but a recent one really caught my attention. I received a phone call from the president of AlteRealityGames, Jim McMahan. We discussed a sponsorship agreement and conducted an interview regarding the upcoming ARG Circuit Series.
Well, this is unfortunate.
Today at 5 PM EDT is our first Box tournament. This post will be updated throughout the day with pairings posted and general info regarding the event. This is a single Elimination event. 10 minutes late is a game loss. 20 minutes late is a match loss. This will be four rounds. Please only comment below with Round Results using the following format: RoundNumber – TableNumber – WW, LL, WLW, etc. – ImgurResults All disconnects, time wins, and tardies must be recorded and reported as such. Example: R1 – T16 – LWW – http://i.imgur.com/result.png Round 1 PairingsThis round ends at 6:00…