Cyber Style!?
【Included Themes】
Sinful Spoils Story
Dragon Ruler
Fire King, Atlantean & Mermail
Cyber Art (Cyber Style)
Cyber Art Underworld (Reverse Cyber Style)
A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow
When you don’t care about anything from YGO.
Me when not Blue-Eyes or Exodia for the 8279th time
If Cyber Dragon can get a lore backstory why not other Anime archtypes like Hero or Yubel?
The lore of Hero. They are heroes.
Tactical-Try Deck favoritism
Considering how much Konami likes to shill out Blue-Eyes and they just got a new Structure Deck last year, I’m surprised we ain’t getting any Lore about them.
It’s tied to the Tactical-Try Decks. Evil Twin and Eldlich are also in here.
The lore of Yubel is pretty much just GX
Some interesting lore potential
So I take it next year we’re getting Exosister, Rescue-ACE, Psychic, Super Quant, and Monarch?
All I have to say is… FINALLY! We’re getting Sinful Spoils lore beyond the meager into lore they gave us
Cyber Style! I smell dragons.
We will finally find out how Metaltron meets Duel Terminal & how Fabled connects to Evilswarm. But most importantly…
YES! Fire King Lore!!!
The Fabled where the ones who released the Evilswarm upon Duel Terminal world, they already had cards affected by the Swarm like Unicore and Ragin before Leviathan got it’s retrain
lore for the only deck to canonically give you heart attacks
Not for lack of trying on Madolche’s part.
Cyber Ogre archetype when then?
Make it anti-Cyber Dragon too.
Tistina and Ashened mysteriously missing.
Yesss cyberdark!
I allways Tought that “Cyber Style” was just an invent from Shepard’s something exclusive from the Anime like a Duel Academy, because at least on the cards’ artwork the Cyber Dragon just seem to be some kind of High Tech Weapon developed by humans, i mean pretty much every spell card shows the Cyber Plant and Some of the Dragons too like Herz, Core or Proto… wonder how they would tie the “Cyber Style” shenanigan from the Anime with the Lore of the Cards
Does it mead cydra get a new support or not