Taking all bets on whether this will be the Link-1 that searches the Field Spell.
The next VJump promotional card has been teased, and its effect will be released on the 7th of April, 2025.

Shigou Sentouki – Amatsu / Prototype Sky Striker Ace – Amatsu
Source: VJump
This actually looks and feels like a sick card for the new Animation Chronicles starting next month. Hope to see another 5 years of Sky Striker
pls don’t konami stop printing this lame ass sarchetype it gets support every 3 months
You mean DM? Or Heroes? Ah no, you’re talking about Branded?
He/she was talking about BE
Was this in the manga?
I agreed on 5 more years of sky striker
I swear this deck has become as convoluted as Hydradrives got.
I think it hit that level with the sages. “Cuts off most of the deck by being on the field” is about as bad as “die rolls because random”.
As far as I know Sky Striker got by just fine with only 1-2 in-house Main Deck Monsters.
Yeah, all we need are Raye and Roze, and maybe Cyanos.
Pretty much no one play the three Sages. And Aileron is so bad I almost forgot about it.
Visa: Konami you left my lore at a cliffhanger can I get some new cards?
Konami: More Sky Striker Shilling!
Watching paint dry is more interesting than Visas’ lore.
I think they got scared because tear and Keshtira already needed to get all their stuff banned, so they wanted to avoid giving those decks more cards, or introducing another broken archetype
Also i think the lore did end, wasnt there somehing with visas either refusing completely and then dying, or destroying himself and and his final counterpart at the same time?
Let the be Mech girls for days
Okay, I no longer feel bad about hoping for another Abyss Actor wave so ‘soon’ after the PHHY support.
cry about it danny
Still waiting on that new Gouki support.
Gokui (2017-2020)
“A link-1 that searches the field spell”…
What they really needed was something that let them activate Sky Striker quick-play spells from hand in the opponet’s turn (such as Magical Musket or Runick), A quick-play spell that negates the opponent’s Spells and Traps or at least something to go first and protect all their spells from being wiped out of the field.
I bet this link 1 will be something really crazy
Like an effect which searches any sky striker spell at the cost of sending 3 spells from the deck to the gy, but doing a sky striker lock
Or maybe something like that psyframe link which removes some of the requirements of that deck, like the “3 spell is the gy” rule or the “only if you have no monsters in your main monster zone” lock
I just cant at all see it just grabbing the fieldspell. Prettymuch all decks which which have a link 1 field spell grabber have a field spell which is very required for that deck to work correctly. In sky strikers the field spell is at a strange place… it doent really work as a field spell, since its more of a starter or extender, but its both very good and not good at all at either, because its so inconsistent. However if this card could be made with non sky striker monsters, would grab the fieldspell, and place a sky striker card from the deck on top of it, then the effect would be good, maybe even broken if there arent any restrictions, since it would turn any applicable monster into a enhanced sky striker combo which goes at least +2
Because they still haven’t revealed another possible field spell from the manga which is the city that roze come from so the new field spell might be better and remove the lock or could be protection or like runic fountain etc.
Even without the April’s Animated Shorts, Konami still gives Sky Striker a lot of favoritism.
I’m surprised Sky Striker AKA Raye (or a variant) didn’t appear in Rush Duels.
If we ever get another anime based on the ocg, the main character definitely gonna use Sky Strikers.
Manga you mean?
They gave it favoritism even in master duel recently, it was a heroes themed anniversary but guess who got all the stuff related in the anni?
It was obvious they were going to pull this if they already did it with Evil Twin. Still, I don’t have high expectations since I doubt they’ll want to take ground away from the Justice Hunter archetypes, but who knows
Well, there’s the 20th Sky Striker monster. Not surprising. Definitely the most boring action-genre card theme to make an anime about, but Konami just can’t stop. Even the conflict between Pikeru and Curran would have been more interesting than this. :/
Correction, the 19th monster. Accidentaly counted the token… though it does have its own token onster card with unique art.
I agree sky striker is the lamest possible outcome
Having only link-1s was the only thing that made brandish sky maiden strikers stand out to begin with and I’m normally against blue zoodiacs.
they’ve been having link 2s
cry more
This is Sky Strikers. I believe the proper term is Lesbians.
Day 2761 of waiting for new BA support x..x
Okay, so we’re getting the pre-Sky Striker lore with the country of Karma that developed Sky Striker technology before Raye was born.
Day 3,056 still no Graydle support for the TCG.
All i ask for is 1 or 2 new toon cards. Its not that hard just pick any characters ace monster from dm and gx and just make it a toon.
Pumpking jinzo legendary fisherman flame wingman kuriboh etc
Nah. I’m tired of Toonifieds. I’d rather have a new deck theme using the Toon ability. Like when Shinobirds became the first Spirit deck that wasn’t just generic Spirit Pile.
But toon isnt really a type like spirits or gemini its just an archtype and nothing els. I dont even know why its even really an ability
@LucaZERO It is for lore reasons
In lore they were made by pegasus who speciffically made them for him, so ofc hed made them special in some way
In the anime toon ment more than just a type, because anything which had the toon type on it would basically ignore any basic yugioh rules by being un targetable, indestructable, could curcumvent defenses, could be summomed more than once per turn, etc
Irl this signifficantly got turned down a few notches, and also yugioh decided to not go with the keyword approach, and just print full effects on everything anyways, so their special effects arent even uniform
Thank you for explaining yod
I just wish Konami treated the other TOSS format archetypes as well as they do Sky Striker.
You have to understand, Thunder Dragon and Salamangreat have no little girls to sell to this fanbase. Orcust had one and they’ve milked her plenty already.
I hope this is one of these generic link-1 cards that can be used in every other deck, making the engine searchable with 2 bodies.
this is literally just a Metal Gear, your fancy paintjob can’t fool me
OMG link-1 o.o