Catching up on various figurines and other merchandise that could be earned through crane games, be they physical or online.
Browsing: Jack
Yu-Gi-Oh! figures were on display at Wonder Festival 2025 Winter last weekend, including new offerings and old.
Wonder Festival Summer 2024 is ongoing, and several Yu-Gi-Oh! figures were shown at the event.
This isn’t even my final form- wait, it actually is.
Don’t expect the TCG’s list to be too similar.
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Belial came last, than whom a spirit more lewd…
After reviewing the rulings on the KONAMI Database, here’s how we feel the cards from Dimension of Chaos (DOCS-JP) work.…
News from the new poster.
It’s time for all those King cards to show up.
There is only one theme worthy of the King!