One of the next exclusive playmats for Asia (not Japan or Korea) has been announced, and it’s for an expo.
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The total number of cards for each rarity, revised. Sorry for anyone who wanted Secret Rare versions of the Ultra…
In relation to the 2017 San Diego Comic Con, 4KMedia is releasing an exclusive limited edition shirt.
So you want to feel like Kaiba writing out checks for cars to go chase down Elder Gods? This might…
Rarities of two cards plus what is Extra Pack 2017’s Six anyways?
It looks like we’re back to the world of the Ultra Athletes (or world setting that’s very similar) with a…
It’s been revealed via Weekly Shonen Jump and Kuriboh fans should be sure to be excited.
The boss of the new Fairy centered Structure Deck R has been revealed, and he synergizes with Counter Traps!
So Japanese Players can use Duel Links to get some extra special goodies for Worlds this year.
Including the identities of the two new Link Monsters the TCG are releasing in Circuit Break!