Colorized metal representations of the Egyptian Gods and a new variant of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Browsing: Misc Product
“You’re going down in five turns. Five turns, PaniK! Then my monsters will finish you off.”
Adding more characters to cake lineups for just a bit of (early) Christmas cheer. Reservations open.
Well those are some strange crests. Wonder what those are about.
Similar offerings to previous GraffArt ranges, but this time for card games on motorcycles and card games with scouters.
Reservations have opened for apparel and bags based on Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! Shipping is expected in mid-November.
Okay, who had “Synchron and Blackwing” lovechild as a possible card?
Enjoy Roze’s signature attack!
Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Insect Queen, now in colour. Arkana’s Dark Magician is just happy to be there.
Three new promos for the main characters plus some other surprises!