In the story of the Duel Terminals, the Constellar left behind a series of machines to watch the seal they placed upon the Steelswarm prior to ascending into the stars during The Ancient Era. From the high heavens, these holy machines watched and waited. Now for the first time, the Vylon were finally entering the fray… But would they come to ensure peace in the troubled Terminal World? WARNING: This article is considered a Mega Article by my standards, which is equivalent to approximately four of my normal CDS articles, on a good day. So massive article incoming.
Author: Quincymccoy
Welcome to my next CDS article, and this week, we are going to be discussing a theme that never really got its time in the spotlight for what it was intended. I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now, but the Tech Genus monsters never caught on for a variety of reasons; mostly that the Synchro era was fast ending and the Xyz era was right around the corner. But for this very reason, the Tech Genus archetype was given a ton of power in Synchro Summoning; it was literally ‘the’ archetype to end Synchro archetypes with a bang. Let’s dive…
This edition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles features an archetype that began in the GX era! And no, before you guess it, I’m not talking about Aliens, my absolute favorite archetype (and my first IRL deck). This archetype doesn’t even share common effects or trends, and they may have one of the largest number of almost 100% unusable support out of any archetype. And yet, this archetype has 2 of the most powerful draw spells ever, once of which that can draw up to 7 cards! It’s time to upgrade and join the fray with our Spacian friends! NEX!
Welcome to another addition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles, and this time, we will be visiting an Archtype comprised entirely of Spell Cards! While the “Bamboo Sword” archtype definitely did not have a strong origin with a grand ‘useless equip’ in Tactical Evolution many moons ago, the archtype is definitely coming into its own as an effective theme-enhancing, combo strategy with the release of the latest support card in NECH, Fiendish Bamboo Sword. Let’s jump right into this unique strategy!
Hello everyone, welcome back to another installment of my Casual Deck Strategy articles! This time, instead of focusing on an underused archetype, why don’t we spend some time on some unusual applications of the brand new Mask Change Second and the new Masked HEROs recently released in the new Structure Deck in the OCG! Let’s suit up and jump right into the action!
Welcome to another Deck strategy article, but this time I am going to be writing on something a lot more competitive than those covered in my normal Casual Deck Strategy articles. This TCG-premiere archtype has seen many packs go by with many cards of various power levels, each introducing a brand new ‘gimmick’ into the game. But most of all, it is the most competitive Equip-Spell driven archtype this game has seen! Of course I’m talking about the Noble Knights, but more specifically, let’s take a more indepth view of the deck as a whole following the new support from PRIO.
Welcome to the next edition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles here on YGOrganization, and yes, the electricity puns do not stop with the title. I’ve wanted to do an article ever since one special Thunder-type monster was revealed, but I just couldn’t get the numbers to work right… until now! Watt card am I talking about? Wire you going to want to read this? I can think of amp’le reasons, so let’s start before my puns get more re-volt-ing and I’m forced to pull the plug…
Welcome to the first Casual Deck Strategy article on the brand new cards bursting out in the Japanese OCG version of The Duelist Advent! While most of you probably jumped on the awesome new Heroic support, like I did at first, there’s another Anime-derived archetype that got some awesome World Premieres! Of course I’m talking about the Star Seraphs!
New card revealed from Dragons of Legend, Blackwing Support is on the rise!
Welcome to the next installment of the Casual Deck Strategy articles, and this round we have another amazing card from PRIO that helps make a brand new deck even more of a reality! I’m sure you’ve heard of Counter Fairies before, using Bountiful Artemis to draw your way to heaven as you interrupt everything your opponent tries to do, but have you ever considered throwing counter traps alongside a dragon engine? Van’Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord is a great place to start, but what new card can make this a viable strategy?