On this New Year’s Eve, P.U.N.K. gets its expected tie-in card for Alliance Insight.
ALIN-JP043 – Juraishin Jura / Jura the Curse-Thunder Deity
Level 11 EARTH Psychic / Synchro / Effect
ATK/3100 DEF/3100
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.
(1) Each time your opponent activates a card or effect, gain 300 LP when it resolves.
(2) During your opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card, then pay 1500 LP; activate 1 of these effects.
-Destroy all face-up monsters your opponent controls.
-Destroy all face-up Spell/Traps your opponent controls.
Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Twitter
Punishes the opponent for comboing and then ruins their life. I like him!
dope design aswell
Shame that you cant pay more lp to bring him back from the gy
just summon another
CoCoa gets it
It punishes your opponent after you have 15min combo’ed. This card is like maxx c. You do your stuff your turn but your opp cant on their turn
Bro where is one per turn effect are ee sure thid is 2025 card and not 2002? Konami?????? Wheres tge ones per tirh on this?
@Allanigreek Its litterally the first line xD
and the non opt effect isnt even as bad as something like flare metal xD
Finally a good card to annoy people who combo for 15 minutes.
That will be ran by people who combo for 20 minutes. There is no winning.
Surprisingly generic given the other Holiday Box adjacent cards. Good Level 11 Synchro for any Deck that can run him,
We should get the New Years Day card reveal later too.
Probably will see play but that ‘On Opponents Turn’ line, though.
I guess that’s why it got 3100 atk
^ *because released on new year’s eve
Neat but with all the floating effects there is in the game unless you have something like Marco Cosmos you opponent can probably still make a comeback.
Polo Cosmos!
This card’s really cool.
Generic 11 needed an option other than PEP.
So, Tactical Try and Crossover Breakers got tie-ins last set, Trinity got tie-ins here while Tactical Try got direct support.
Are we expecting Crossover Breakers direct support this set? Or in Duelist Advance?
Probably in this set. While Memento got support in PHNI, all 3 archetypes received support in LEDE (the January set last year).
Duelist Advance will likely have more cards from them as well, especially since we usually get 1-2 cards per theme in each core booster, and we usually get 2 support waves in the core sets.
I’m hoping in Duelist Advance or Animation Chronicles 2025 we finally get Darkwight @Ignister into the real game.
A board breaker but you can only activate it on the opponents turn wtf
It’s not board breaker, dim-wit.
It’s a deterrent for people wanting to wombo-combo t2. You make this, protect it with few hand traps, negation cards etc and your opponent either will be forced to bite the bullet and play into it or be more conservative with their cards till they figure out how to remove this thing from the field.
Yep, the problem with this game is all the turn 2 comboing that happens. People out here lying to themselves and others, pretending this isn’t going to be part of some degenerate 15-minute turn 1 end board.
For the people that are saying “you can only activate it on the opponent’s turn” effect is stupid or other things, you know you can just use this as a disruption right?
Lightning Storm is back, in Synchro form
This only destroys face-up S/Ts unfortunately, I get what you’re saying though
Not Thunder Type ?
Because it was directly designed to support P.U.N.K
It’s somewhat similar to Black-Winged Assault Dragon, but instead of damaging opponent you gain LP; same turn condition and self-Tribute for the board wipe effect, but with LP cost, works only for the opponent’s field, and covers either monsters OR Spell/Trap Cards. And to reuse effect you don’t need to summon another copy, just revive it.
This new card’s better imo.
Not sure if anyone else has gotten this but I just got a malicious looking ad on this site. While I was reading it popped up and redirected me, telling me the usual “infected device follow instructions” spiel these sites give.
Site name was mmtrb . Com
Very unusual.
The companies serving ads are notorious for having extremely poor screening of who’s using their services, it’s nothing new. This is why even governments are recommending using adblocks, it’s a basic safety feature in current days.
And I know that evil G. lately made it difficult to use adblockers but tbh that’s a very valid reason to just ditch Chrome altogether. Also bad actors yapping about how “it’s stealing from content creators, reee!” can choke – my safety on the Internet is more important and it’s not my job to figure out monetization system for content creators that is not actively trying to make my life miserable.
Now this is what Wolfrayet wishes it was. Massive body, has to eat an interruption or it will ruin your opponent’s day if left alone. While I don’t think its effect warrants being ran at 2, it’s a solid level 11 alongside PEP.
Aroma be like
I definitely like the idea of this, but I think it has some large problems
This card is how floodgates should be in yugioh… definitely disruptive and annoying, but it leaves counterplay
However… this thing is just a little bit too hard to bring out for what it does
If it was level 8 or 12 it would be fantastic (even though slightly pricey at 12), but since its 11 it does not only have a cost similar to 12, but also an awkward level to achieve… also at level 11 it shares a spot in ease of use with psychic end punisher, who has better protection, emediate ko potential, and also removal himself
So while i can say I like this design, i do not like it on a level 11 synchro monster with no protection (beside quick effect tribute), and no oppertunity to use the effect on your turn
This is once again one of those cards which are very interesting, but just 1 smidge away from something usable
To me, this is more likely a going 1st end board piece Konami want you to use in decks that can make Level 11 Synchros, which is more possible than you think with certain other decks because Konami be making random odd Level extenders and/or Level modifiers that are at least somewhat generic and/or for the themes they belong towards pretty much for this reason, as Psychic End Punisher has waay more going 2nd applications than going 1st.
TLDR: It’s a great edition to the synchro lvl11 card pool and helps with areas that decks that have access to that pool have been struggling with (Some more than others). But will not be the decider of most matches and end up as a tool box card when faced against backrow decks a majority of the time.
Alright, at first glance I really like this card especially as a tool box card for those decks able to utilize Synchro 11’s; P.U.N.K, Myakashi, and Speedroid; but sense P.U.N.K is the one that I play, I’ll be taking about it in reference to it.
P.U.N.K to me has always had 2 main issues; first being that it’s has never had a consistent way of dealing with backrow decks. And second which is most important and well known issue is it’s heavy LP cost which usually causes P.U.N.K to lose on time. This card for all intensive purposes solves both of these issues but with a caveat.
With it’s LP gain effect for 90% of matches it won’t change P.U.N.K losing on time. it’ just doesn’t gain enough to replace the setup cost and unless it’s a deck like salamangreat where their activating 20+ cards in a single turn it wont amount to much. especially sense you are more than likely going to be paying back any LP cost you got that turn with it’s 2nd effect. So while it’s still useful as it’s a way for you have enough LP to follow up next turn it won’t be game changing for P.U.N.K current playstyle.
It’s second effect though is where I’m most excited. P.U.N.K usual game plan for dealing with back row decks is Amazing Dragon and Adamancipator Risen. But both have their own issues that make them not quite ideal for the situation.
Amazing Dragon’s removal effect was on summon so you could only do it through Foxytune 2nd effect during the Endphase of your opponents turn or they would just reset the backrow if done at any other point in the game.
Risen on the other hand required a water in the grave, which is usually achieved through rising carp but is never a guaranteed option so you would sometimes want to just play a secondary engine with water monsters in it’s mainline combo like Gold Pride, Goblin Biker or Horus which had a near guarantee that you would always have a water in grave at some point. But it also has the issue of it’s summoning requirement usually being in the middle of your setup combo. This makes it so sometimes depending on how many extenders or what secondary engine you chose to use going into Risen might just end your combo on the spot.
This card fixes both these issues, sense it’s an level 11 it can be made at the end of your combo so you don’t need to worry about knee capping yourself to get this guy out. Sense it’s not an on summon effect you can make it on your turn, which would put pressure on you opponent right away with both of it’s effects.
I see a lot of comments on it’s Opponent’s Turn Clause, but in all honesty that clause will not effect a majority of games even for decks that are not P.U.N.K. If you are going second by the time you get into a position to summon this card, you are more than likely already in a position to win the game and would rather be summoning PSY-End to clean up. and the only time that you would want that effect going first would be against Lab or Tear specifically as some of the few decks able to play on Turn 0.
Quick play lightning vortex/fairy wind type effect on a generic synchro. So yeah it’s good
3100 attack on New Year’s Eve? Coincidence? I think not!!!
And 3100 Defense
Nah, the defense is coincidental
Now instead of pretty much wiping the board punk can just compleatly wipe the board, seems only ok
That artwork is sick