The most under-estimated deck of the secret forces shows just what it’s capable of
Browsing: TCG Decklist
I’ve asked players many times if they would like to see their decklists featured; and quite often they say yes…
After the first weekend of regionals with The New Challengers, Yang Zing gets it’s first regional win in Moncton New…
In the story of the Duel Terminals, there was a peaceful tribe named the Gem-Knights… They were resilient, they had…
The World was changing. Against the invasion of the Worms, no tribe of the original Terminal World could stand alone. And…
In the story of the Duel Terminals, the Constellar left behind a series of machines to watch the seal they…
This edition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles features an archetype that began in the GX era! And no, before…
The leads of the writing staff got together and decided, hey, let’s do a Noble Knight Primer. It’s among most…
In our effort to showcase more decks, here’s an interesting recent top from Michigan’s Regionals.
Just the one Deck List, but our more competitively minded readers might find it of interest.