Can Galaxy/Photon get a structure deck next year ?
Pkmnlover on
now that would be cool (even though I have 1 made already)
ScionStorm on
Zexal is the only series without a Structure deck based on a main rival.
Maybe they can focus on protag best friend SDs next or Boss Villain SDs. We already got the Armityle deck for GX and a deck inspired by Zarc. Pegasus needs some new cards. But which villain from 5Ds would get an S
I still want a Chazz structure deck though.
Dukeof2 on
How about an archetype that’s actually interesting…
Gordon on
Hell yeah
Nathan on
As a huge fan of the final season, I’d love to see Timelords finally become meta playable. Or if they want to stick to fan favorite archetypes, Infernity, Earthbound Immortals, or the Aztec deck would all make for nice structure options for antagonists.
TrapPanda on
PLEASE… I ran galaxy eyes in 2013. Got back into Yu-Gi-Oh recently with master duel.
I have many decks, but galaxy eyes is my best one.
I can clear any event that uses Xyzs easily.
Hell dual logs tried I to call or galaxy-eyes/photon as a failed archetype. So I went and beat up snake-eye da Kash decks during worlds
Jojo on
Pushed to valentines day? Time to find that blue eyed special someone
Reality on
Hopefully a magia reprint before then
Pkmnlover on
knowing Komoney probably not
V on
Magia should have been in this or at least had a structure deck centered around it.
Pkmnlover on
so just a week no big deal
Wes on
I wanna know the rarities already.
Fumetsusozo on
It will be releasing couple weeks before my birthday! Gonna be nice timing as a gift to buy for myself. Hoho!
Sad-eyes Gloom Dragon on
Awe just what I wanted… A BEAT STICK!
GG on
Konamoney like yugioh player’s don’t have romantic relationships. So sinces all of them are single let’s give them a Valentines gift.
Dukeof2 on
“Flamberge dragon will protect my virginity!!!”
Pkmnlover on
yet one of my friends is in 1 (just not saying who due to privacy reasons
gigafraud on
Buying singles got a whole new meaning now
vvvvvv on
‘all of them’, think you meant ‘all of us’ …
Gin 147 on
They want it to be useless and unplayable, they will release something more powerful
Pkmnlover on
tbh the new support is actually good
NobleSans02 on
It will be a wonderfull birthday gift.
I gonna ask for three of those things
Ryan on
Delaynami strikes again
TK on
You think they’ll ever come out with another synchron structure deck?
Dee on
So Coming just days before Atem’s birthday.
Seto Kaiba might be ecstatic about that, and he rarely is. Lol.
All jokes aside, this is perfect evidence that they might acknowledge the fanbase for once giving them not one but three great Valentine’s Day and/or birthday gifts. The new Bewd included. The other 2 are either custom products (UNCO and Box of Friendship), or they want to release another QCR or semi related tcg set (like maze of masters, and the upcoming Quarter Century Stampede)
Either way, kinda a weird decision, but okay I guess.
Can Galaxy/Photon get a structure deck next year
now that would be cool (even though I have 1 made already)
Zexal is the only series without a Structure deck based on a main rival.
Maybe they can focus on protag best friend SDs next or Boss Villain SDs. We already got the Armityle deck for GX and a deck inspired by Zarc. Pegasus needs some new cards. But which villain from 5Ds would get an S
I still want a Chazz structure deck though.
How about an archetype that’s actually interesting…
Hell yeah
As a huge fan of the final season, I’d love to see Timelords finally become meta playable. Or if they want to stick to fan favorite archetypes, Infernity, Earthbound Immortals, or the Aztec deck would all make for nice structure options for antagonists.
PLEASE… I ran galaxy eyes in 2013. Got back into Yu-Gi-Oh recently with master duel.
I have many decks, but galaxy eyes is my best one.
I can clear any event that uses Xyzs easily.
Hell dual logs tried I to call or galaxy-eyes/photon as a failed archetype. So I went and beat up snake-eye da Kash decks during worlds
Pushed to valentines day? Time to find that blue eyed special someone
Hopefully a magia reprint before then
knowing Komoney probably not
Magia should have been in this or at least had a structure deck centered around it.
so just a week no big deal
I wanna know the rarities already.
It will be releasing couple weeks before my birthday! Gonna be nice timing as a gift to buy for myself. Hoho!
Awe just what I wanted… A BEAT STICK!
Konamoney like yugioh player’s don’t have romantic relationships. So sinces all of them are single let’s give them a Valentines gift.
“Flamberge dragon will protect my virginity!!!”
yet one of my friends is in 1 (just not saying who due to privacy reasons
Buying singles got a whole new meaning now
‘all of them’, think you meant ‘all of us’ …
They want it to be useless and unplayable, they will release something more powerful

tbh the new support is actually good
It will be a wonderfull birthday gift.
I gonna ask for three of those things
Delaynami strikes again
You think they’ll ever come out with another synchron structure deck?
So Coming just days before Atem’s birthday.
Seto Kaiba might be ecstatic about that, and he rarely is. Lol.
All jokes aside, this is perfect evidence that they might acknowledge the fanbase for once giving them not one but three great Valentine’s Day and/or birthday gifts. The new Bewd included. The other 2 are either custom products (UNCO and Box of Friendship), or they want to release another QCR or semi related tcg set (like maze of masters, and the upcoming Quarter Century Stampede)
Either way, kinda a weird decision, but okay I guess.