Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

ペンデュラムのその先に Penddyuramu no Sono Sakini (Beyond the Pendulum) August 31st, 2014 Although Yuya is on a hot streak on his way to qualify for the Junior Youth Championship, he’s still bothered about Pendulum Summoning. Reiji. And the appearance of a mysterious man. The darkness before him just gets deeper and deeper.

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難問!?アタックデュエルクイズ!! Nanmon!? Atakku Dyueru Kuizu!! (“A Difficult Problem!? Attack Duel Quiz!!”) August 24th, 2014 Yuya continues on his endeavors to earn the qualifications to enter the Junior Youth Championship. Against the duelist whose forte is solving quizzes and in the Action Field where he have to face a series of difficult problems, can Yuya win the duel?

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This is for booster packs! Update 1: Nodens and other less important stuff confirmed for Knights of Order (OCG only pack) Update 2: The Gold Box+GS2013 and Gold Box + ABYR&CBLZ confirmed (OCG only) Update 3: The first 3 Yousenjyuu cards are revealed! Behold the glory of Youkai bishies! And their Bad Decision Dragon that isn’t a Dragon. Update 4: Lera and her amazing Kitty show their stuff. Update 5: Meet the new Trish (not to be seen in the TCG for a long time.)

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