Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

Starting off with: New Buster Blader support! Note: Rugged Glove and Dusty Robe’s effects added! EDIT: These translations are not final, a newly revealed card from another source requires us to localize “Hakaiken” as a consistent term.

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Episode 74: 道化師の仮面 Doukeshi no Kamen (Mask of the Clown) Kurosaki vs Dennis in the Friendship Cup! Against Kurosaki, who suspects his identity, Dennis plays in his usual Entertainment style. However, Dennis gets caught in Kurosaki’s onslaught…

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“Burning Abyss” Special Feature 2: And Powerful Ritual & Fusion Monsters Also Appear! The Trap Cards Are Also Strong! The “Burning Abyss” which first appeared overseas is finally arriving in Japan!! They’re included together in “Extra Pack 2015”, which goes on sale September 19th, 2015! Among them aren’t just the Xyz and Synchro Monsters we introduced last time, but also Fusion and Ritual monsters!!

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“Burning Abyss” Special Feature: Miraculously Being Deployed One After Another… … And Powerfully Combo with their Effects that activate in the Graveyard! The “Burning Abyss” series that first appeared overseas is finally coming to Japan!! And they come together in “Extra Pack 2015” which goes on sale September 19th, 2015! They have a terrifying ability to be brought out one after another, allowing you to set up for incredibly powerful combos… … We’ll check out the strengths of the “Burning Abyss” Deck which has proven itself with incredible tournament results in the United States of America!

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