As the header says, the movie is likely delayed to 2017.
Author: NeoArkadia
A New Level 6 Synchro, New cards from the anime and a Field Spell EDIT: Fixed Radish Horse EDIT: Fixed the horse for a second time. Will be PSCT’d later but you can control the same or fewer amount of monsters to summon it.
There will be a YCS event held at the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio. Said fair will be held from June 15th to June 19th, 2016. Source
Another Fusion for Metalphosis was revealed on Japanese TV Nation Wide
Cards meant to coincide with The Dark Illusion, the Movie Pack, and Duelist no Senkou among other things. (And possibly a hint at a card that never was summoned until its fateful appearance, finally being released for real?)
Officially licensed figures of the movie art Dark Magician and Yugi.
More stuff coming out. Via Animate.
A new Counter Trap designed to counter Pendulum Summons.
So do you like Burger World from the manga? I like Burger World from the manga.
A new kind of Duel format. provided by Konami. (Seems to be based on the Duel Terminals and the upcoming Duel Links game). There’s no official use of it (as of yet), so it’s mostly another casual alternative Duel format.