Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

“Legacy of the Valiant” finally comes out November 16th, full of a ton of incredibly powerful Xyz Monsters! Continuing from last time’s “Tremble In Fear! Incredibly Powerful Xyz Monsters Make Their Spine-Chilling Appearance! (LVAL Part 1)”, we’ll continue to introduce Xyz Monsters, but this time we’ll introduce Xyz Monsters that make “Ghostrick” and “Bujin” even stronger, along with an Xyz Monster for the new Series “Shinra”, and a multitude of powerful Xyz Monsters that help all kinds of decks. “Legacy of the Valiant” makes your Extra Deck even stronger! Check Out These Xyz Monsters!

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“Legacy of the Valiant” finally comes out November 16th, full  of a ton of incredibly powerful Xyz Monsters! Of course the set includes “Number” and “Number C” monsters from the animated series, but also includes powerful Xyz Monsters for the “Ghostrick” and “Bujin” series, as well as the Xyz Monster of the new “Shinra” series! As well, there are a number of super powerful Xyz Monsters that can be used in different kinds of decks! There are so many Xyz Monsters included that they’ll require two introductions! This time around, we’ll introduce 6 Xyz Monsters that first appeared in the…

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