Macro Cosmos is an interesting card. It banishes any and all cards sent to the Graveyard, even Xyz Materials. So what happens when I activate something like Polymerization or Gallis the Star Beast?
These are all based on rulings about the specific cards, text analysis, or otherwise attained information. We hope that these will help you. Y means, “Yes, this effect will resolve still while macro is up, and simply banish the cards instead.” N means “No, you may not resolve the card while Macro is face-up.”
Polymerization: Y
Advanced Ritual Art: Y
Mask Change: Y
Gallis the Star Beast: Y
Hand Destruction: Y
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings: Y
Destruction of Destiny: Y
Glow-Up Bulb: Y
Rare Value: N
Gadget Hauler: N
Faustian Bargain: N
Morphtronic Remoten: N
Steelswarm Girastag: N (banishes, no LP gained)
Venom Shot: N
Number 50: Blackship of Corn: N (Sends, no LP inflicted)
Scrapstorm: N
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation: N
Ruthless Denial: N
Dragon Laser: N
Crystal Abundance: N
Hero Mask: N
Number 10: Illumiknight: N
Pharaoh’s Treasure: N