The legendary leader of the Six Samurai gets a reprint in Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors.
Browsing: Reprints
Various Counter Traps and Sanctuary in the Sky cards get reprinted.
But not the one you’re probably thinking of. It’ll be reprinted in OTS Tournament Pack 5 (out early August 2017)
A word on card Eratta from some of our Dusks. Credit to Noah Card and Jackson Casanova
A few more reprints in Light’s Revenge, featuring some traps that were very popular last year.
The classic Mecha Phantom Beast Xyz is being reprinted in the OCG’s next Tournament Pack (out July 1st)
Cyberdark Impact!, the classic Fusion Spell for Cyberdark, is being reprinted for the OCG.
One we knew, but we didn’t know which number it was in the set.
Our spoiler for SD32, and all of its wonderful wonderful reprints and Decode Ends.
Two of Yuya’s classic Magicians get reprinted, and Chronograph gets an obvious slot placement.