To the fiercest.
25YC-JP001 アナザー・バース・ストラディオス Another Verse Stradios [Anotherverse Stradios]
Level 8 EARTH Warrior Normal Monster
ATK 2500
DEF 2000
幾億の戦火を踏み越えし異界の軍神。 汝、この威光が欲しくば、来たりて取るがいい。
A god of war from another universe that has overcome countless wars. If this prestige be thy desire, come and try to take it.
Note: This card is named after “Stratios”, a name used for several Greek figures + Dios, the Greek word for Deity/God.
The Ultra Rare is for 1st Place, the Super Rare is for 2nd to 4th Place
1st to 64th Place get an exclusive Effect Veiler with the YCSJ Logo on it.
Those who play six rounds in the Preliminaries get a Special Token featuring Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto.
Those who play eight rounds in the Preliminaries get Special Sleeves featuring a Pentagram.
1800 Yen gets you a 100 Sleeves of Diabellstar and 100 Sleeves of Diabellze in their ultimate forms.
For every 2000 Yen spent on OCG goods (not Rush Duel or YGO related goods), you get 20 Sleeves of “Psalm of the Kings”.
Acrylic Stands of the Maliss Deck will be available for 2000 Yen each. They’ll be available at the KAIBA CORPORATION STORE at a later date. (Limit of 3 Stands per person)
Scapegoat, Winged Kuriboh and Mokey Mokey Mini Shoulder Bags will be available for 3850 Yen, limit of 3 Bags per person. The Winged Kuriboh and Mokey Mokey Mini Shoulder Bags will be available at the KAIBA CORPORATION STORE at a later date.
Damn even the OCG is getting shafted with Anotherverse now
Having non Normal Monsters be the Prize Card is generally a poor idea, dear.
These prizes are terrible
Didn’t expected a venture bros meme but here we are
I think there was one episode where Ancient Gear Fist was referenced.
Win the championship, be awarded The God of “Come At Me Bro”.
G’dawm. Badass flavor text
Boi he got them big thighs
Again, when will the TCG be able to get these recent OCG Normal Monsters cause I think they don’t print much of them in pack sets, especially nowadays.