So we learn what Zombie Master’s plan was all along!
ALIN-JP029 One More the Wight (Moissa Wight)
Level 1 DARK Zombie Effect Monster
ATK 300
DEF 200
You can only use the (2)nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) This card’s name becomes “Skull Servant” while in the GY.
(2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 “Skull Servant” or 1 card that mentions it from your Deck to your hand, except “Moissa Wight”, also you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Zombie monsters.
(3) During your Main Phase, you can Normal Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.)
Note: This card appears to be a reference to Moissa Knight, the Comet General
ALIN-JP065 Wight Master
Continuous Spell Card
(1) If your “King of the Skull Servants” attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.
(2) Once per turn: You can target 1 “Skull Servant” or “King of the Skull Servants” in your GY; send 1 “Skull Servant” or 1 monster that mentions it from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon that target, but you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Zombie monsters.
Oh my
First Wight references an archetype and now a specific monster. What’s next?
Wight headed dragon fusion monster
@A_Coconut Null-Eyes Wight Dragon?
Dead-eyes Wight Dragon
No eyes-wright dragon because they decayed,, skull joke yohohoho
they really want to make sure you’re locked
Wight Boy Winter officially begins
Still waiting for Konami to give Wights a fusion spell that substitutes a zombie monster for one of the fusion materials as long as the other monster is a “Skull Servant” on the field or in your graveyard.
as much as I love Wights, I’m not sure if i want them to have a fusion or extra deck boss, because I’m afraid that’ll just make em an engine for some other zombie deck. and would diminish their originality.
Skull Servant is already the material for two different Fusion monsters.
@ScionStorm Yeah dude, you wanna tell the class which Fusion Monsters those are? Cause I’m sure when they said they don’t want a Fusion/Extra Deck boss, they weren’t talking about Flame Ghost or Zombie Warrior.
So is this the preview for the month?
There should be more in the following days.
Obligatory Rata “memed into existence” here
How did ya’ll miss this by a little over a month? Could’ve revealed it during Halloween? That’s said, this obviously good for Skull Servant (high bar, I know). Like even generically this could see some use in other zombie decks.
So, you weren’t dreaming of a Wight Christmas?
@ScionStorm Damn you that was clever…
Ugh unexpected. I expected a stormrider or Armatos Legio or some other @ignister
All @ignister cards were already revealed. Why would you expect two decks that have not had any anime cards released yet? That makes no sense.
People should be aware where “new” anime-only cards belong to. We have products dedicated to those after all.
cont spell should have given protection to king otherwise its too vulnerable.
It already revives King by putting extra fodder in the grave. Rather than protection, it just comes back stronger.
Might I interest you in Lady In Wight? There are several wonderful options to special summon her in defense mode from the GY, and it’s quite entertaining to watch people waste several spells and traps on King that don’t work because of her.
Wightbaking and the general monster Algoul Mazeera are also very helpful in protecting King from monster effects, and it’s generally rather easy to bring King back from the dead even before these cards make it even easier.
Yes! I love Wight!
Weren’t this had worked better for Superme Darkness? Since that set came out in October which would of suited for Halloween
Also I’m still curious which character from Vrains will get on the second cover of the Vrains pack. I’m still thinking Gouki. That deck is way overdue for new support since Eternity Code in 2020.
Graydle needs it more, think back in 2016 and anyways Graydle was in the Create-A-Card Project and lost (twice technically)
And just like that one of my favorite decks get 2 more pieces to the puzzle. …still waiting on Wight Queen and maybe some Extra Deck Love, but this is fantastic and makes One for One even stronger in the deck!! Plus, that piercing Damage via the continuous spell make the King PUNCH even better! Oh, my fellow Bone Boys, we Eating Good Next Year!
The Femur Felon finally gets the respect he deserves. He’s now a REAL archetype with the addition of this spell, and what an amazing spell it is. Wightbaking and Wightlord have, in recent years, made the archetype much more consistent and powerful. And once Moissa Wight joins the Bone Battalion, we will become even greater in power and fury.
It’s taken 20 years, but the Skull Servant has truly ascended. He’s gone from a joke card to a joke card that can shatter bones.
I’d buy a Whight structure deck if Konami ever made one.
Imagine if they end up getting a Misc like card! They would basically be Zombie Tenpai (but make that Misc effect only for Wight monsters)
Does the standard support wave now consist of 2 cards rather than 4-7? All the support in QCTB were 2 cards and now Wight as well.
It’s very common for Wights to just get one new card dropped every few years, this is actually twice as much as I would have expected. And much sooner, too, I think we got Wightlord back in march.
Hi Emily, thanks for your response as I wasn’t aware of how Wight has been historically supported. Perhaps then it’s just a coincidence that consecutive decks are being supported with 2 cards, let’s see what else shows up in INFO (personally, got my hopes up for Marincess support haha)!
When the support is just wight
Ayo, unintended Linkin Park reference? We miss you Chester
Great, the Wight’s are taking over Christmas…
now we are only missing no-eyes wight dragon
I’m dreaming of a Wight Christmas.
Wight boy winter is in full swing!
If the new monster is a skelly boi support, why is it Wight?