Why has it taken 25 years for us to get “Dark Necromancer”?
Curse of the Ancient Turtle
Normal Spell Card
Banish 1 Zombie monster from your hand or GY; send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. When your Zombie monster is destroyed by battle: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 Zombie monster with 2000 or less DEF from your Deck. You can only use each effect of “Curse of the Ancient Turtle” once per turn.
Dark Necromancer
Level 4 DARK Zombie Effect Monster
ATK 1000
DEF 1400
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 Fiend or Zombie Ritual Monster from your hand or Deck to the GY, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand. If this card is banished: You can target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower Fiend or Zombie monsters: Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of “Dark Necromancer” once per turn.
For a list of existing Zombie and Ritual monsters, click here.
With Curse of the Ancient Turtle I presume it’s 2000 to be a counterpart of Pyramid Turtle
Correct 2000 def
A foolish burial for Zombies, neat.
You do know there’s an old Zorc Ritual monster, right? Dark Master – Zorc.
Admittedly, it was based off the Monster World arc, not the Millienium World arc, but still.
lol (re?)burying undead/zombies
Wait Wait, Fiend or Zombie Ritual Support? Something tells me Zorc is on the way. Sad he’s gonna be a ritual monster tho, wish he would just be an effect monster.
because of Dark Necromancer effect? Hmm that would be interesting. Do you think he would be the cover card of a new set like Exodia was in INFO or he will just be thrown into a set?
Throw back to spirit shield?
“Sad he’s gonna be a ritual monster tho, wish he would just be an effect monster.”
Zorc being a Ritual would make complete sense, thematically speaking.
Maybe, but being an effect monster would make him more flexible. I would rather have a Good monster that i can easily spam in its own archetype, than a broken monster that costs an arm and a foot to summon.
We already have a ritual Zorc. The die roll one.
Also last few Bakura’s cards that got released months ago were made into Fiend/Zombie support. This may be a thing, huh.
Is the monster worth playing in vendread?
I was just thinking the same thing.
It is, yes.
And in truth, its effect design was almost certainly made with Vendreads in mind.
“Why has it taken 25 years for us to get “Dark Necromancer”?”
You know? That is very true. You would think we would have gotten a card like that by the 5D’s era. if not via the Classic era.
Anyway, nice Vendread support! Love that Deck, so I’m always here for getting support for it.
Since Dark Necromancer doesn’t exclude itself from the last effect, I imagine it’s going to be Level 3 or lower, since cards like this usually don’t let you recur itself.
Still a pretty good card. Not only for its amazing first effect for Vendread, but also lets you Summon back stuff like Glow-Up Bloom and Uni-Zombie, or even your banished small Vendreads.
Yugipedia has a better image up. It’s Level 4 or lower, and yes you are meant to summon Chaos Necromancer this way to get the dump and search.
Insane card. That makes it so much easier to search, and you get its effect every turn.
I expect at least 1 Fiend or Zombie Ritual monster in here too because usually Konami commits large sections of its World Premiere free agents to a single theme or two. Maybe even a new Ritual Spell for Fiends and Zombies that lets you Ritual Summon the monster from your GY.
Well the Turtle is cool call back and it’s 2000 Def is a hint to the vampire support that speaks of things like that…….But a new Zombie Ritual is on its way am guessing otherwise(wasted) mins some cards don’t get to use their full effects for 10 years+ still come themes that look for a spell/trap in the series but they don’t have any trap cards
Pyramid turtle is back, in the form of a foolish burial
Finally! Chakra support!
In all seriousness, a list of Fiend/Zombie Rituals:
Archfiend’s Awakening
Crealtar, the Impcantation Originator
Dark Master – Zorc
Demise, Agent of Armageddon
Demise, King of Armageddon
Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon
Fiend’s Mirror
Garlandolf, King of Destruction
Gishki Psychelone
Libromancer Doombroker
Malacoda, Netherlord of the Burning Abyss
Reshef the Dark Being
The Masked Beast
Zera the Mant
Revendread Executor
Revendread Slayer
Vendread Battlelord
Vendread Chimera
Vendread Scavenger
I want your love and your lover’s revenge
You and me could write a Dark Necromance
Lol I got that reference.
Custom zombie archetypes ie. Thirstian, Eldritch, Decoraiders, will definitely benefit from these retrains that’s for sure, even the rituals also.
But never say never on Zorc he might get a Retrain, like a certain recentlu announced Mon in the ALIN set, but i digress
A foolish for zombies and Vendread’s first starter! A worthy Normal summon in Dark Necromancer!
It’s grave effect gives you back banished Core, Revenants, Houndhorde etc.
I just hope Konami doesn’t relegate the zombie tribe to being indirect support for fiends similar to beasts and beast-warriors
Necromancer bro working hard on graveyard #1 and graveyard #2 or maybe it’s just hand #5 at this point? idk
Quick Question!
When are the prerelease events for SUDA again? I forgot which weekend in January they are commencing and where?