Some reprints, an alternate artwork, and a new card!
RD/TB02-JP084 Hamon no Barrier -Wave Force- (Ripple Barrier -Wave Force-) [Drowning Mirror Force]
Legend Normal Trap Card
[REQUIREMENT] When an opponent’s monster declares a direct attack.
[EFFECT] Shuffle all Attack Position monsters on your opponent’s field into the owner’s Deck.
RD/TB02-JP023 Negatwor Dragon (Reprint)
RD/TB02-JP083 Negate Attack (Reprint)
Sparkle, sparkle.
RD/TB02-JP069 Pliage the Sacred Shooting Star (Alternate Artwork)
The alternate artwork, chiefly features “Star Replacer”.
Comparison of the standard and alternate artworks.
Yes! One more legend trap!
I don’t think Drowning Mirror Force will necessarily be used over Negate Attack or Compulsory.
Perhaps not, though they seem to think it might be (given those recent designs with anti-shuffle effects).
I’m curious how things will play out.
Those anti-shuffle effects are still very relevant for stopping top or bottom-ing cards currently.
Splendid Slash, Raiza, Over Rush Storm, and the like.
Horrible design
When you don’t know about talk.
Awesome reprints for Negator Dragon and Negate Attack. Those have gotten a bit pricey recently.