Unleash a threat of endless Jurrac Meteors.
Strategic Summary:
Let’s go back in time to this Creative Deck Profile, and if you can believe it, this is the FIRST time I’ve ever covered the Jurrac archetype! This FIRE/Dinosaur theme always felt like a bit of an odd duckling in the Duel Terminal lore-verse, as it had a bit of Tribute Summoning, a bit of battle phase focus, and a few Synchro monsters, but nothing truly special to tie it all together. While the new support wave didn’t find a way to make all Jurrac monsters useful, it did give them a home in the greater Dinosaur strategy, so I figured it would be a great opportunity to tie them into the Transcendasaurus/Xeno playstyle. So let’s start there by covering the essential Jurracs! First up is Jurrac Stigo (YGOrg Translation), a Level 4 that can destroy any card you control, send a Dinosaur from the Deck to the GY, then Special Summon Jurrac monsters whose total Levels equal the sent monster’s Level. The ideal option for this is to send Overtex Qoatlus, Special Summoning Jurrac Herra and Jurrac Aeolo, because you also get an Evolution Pill card for your trouble, but there are plenty of permutations to make this effect work out for you. Since Stigo is clearly a great powerhouse to get your boardstate going, getting to it is important, and that’s where Jurrac Volcano (YGOrg Translation) comes in, their new Field Spell. It gets to destroy any Dinosaur you control to Special Summon any Jurrac from your Deck. Plus, when your opponent Special Summons after they’ve active 4 or more monster effects during a turn, Volcano can faux-Synchro Summon a Jurrac Meteor straight out of the Extra Deck to destroy the whole field!
Alright, enough Meteor for now, let’s talk about their other new marquis Synchro Monster. Jurrac Astero (YGOrg Translation) is up next, and it gets to set any Jurrac S/T to your field when Synchro Summoned. Of course this can grab Volcano, but it also grabs Jurrac Impact to let you… destroy all cards on the field… hm… I’m sensing a theme here. It also carries a Quick Effect to negate an opponent’s Special Summon AND a GY effect that lets you banish it and another Jurrac monster from the GY to faux-Synchro Summon a Jurrac Meteor straight out of the Extra Deck and destroy the whole field! I’m definitely getting deja vu now, because I feel like I’ve said that a lot so far in this description. Anywho, all of this destruction pairs very nicely with existing Dinosaur support cards, with Babycerasaurus and Petiteranodon Special Summoning a free Dinosaur from your Deck when destroyed. Then of course you have Xeno Meteorus and Ground Xeno, enabling access to Transcendasaurus Glaciarsaurus and Transcendasaurus Gigantozowler for big boys who actually benefit from being destroyed by a card effect. If all of this wasn’t enough, the Evolzar Xyz monsters also can’t wait to jump into the fray to add even more disruption. Unleash true Jurassic Power with the might of the Jurracs, Xeno, and Transcendasaurus themes!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 26
| Absolute King – Megaplunder
| Sabersaurus
| Transcendosaurus Meteorus
| Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
|| True King Lithosagym, the Disaster
| Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju
| Overtex Qoatlus
| Jurrac Herra
| Xeno Meteorus
| Giant Rex
| Miscellaneousaurus
||| Souleating Oviraptor
|| Jurrac Stigo
| Kaitoptera
| Jurrac Dino
||| Babycerasaurus
| Petiteranodon
| Jurrac Megalo
| Jurrac Aeolo
| Animadorned ArchosaurSpells: 15
| Beta Evolution Pill – Ultranscendance
| Polymerization
| Double Evolution Pill
||| Fossil Dig
||| Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!
||| Ground Xeno
| Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones
| Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor
| Jurrac VolcanoTrap: 1
| Jurrac ImpactExtra Deck:
| Transcendosaurus Gigantozowler
| Horned Saurus
| Transcendosaurus Glaciasaurus
||| Jurrac Meteor
|| Jurrac Astero
| Jurrac Giganoto
| Evolzar Lars
| Evolzar Laggia
| Evolzar Dolkka
| Transcendosaurus Exaraptor
| Reprodocus
| Sky Striker Ace – Kagari
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Dragonmaid, Orcust, P.U.N.K., Nekroz, Fabled, Crystron, Speedroid, Materiactor, Vanquish Soul, Gladiator Beast, White Forest, Labrynth, Azamina, Crystal Beast, Cubic, World Legacy
Coming Soon:
Just to point out, if you’re using Stigo’s effect (on itself) to send Overtex Qoatlus, you’re way better off summoning 3 Jurrac Aeolo, 1 Jurrac Megalo and then 1 Jurrac Monoloph = 7.
1. 1st Aeolo can tribute itself for Stigo, Stigo + Monoloph = Jurrac Giganoto
2. 2nd Aeolo tributes for Monoloph, Monoloph + Giganoto = Jurrac Astero
3. Astero searches the field, Jurrac Volcano.
4. Optional: Megalo can discard the Evolution Pill you searched off Overtex Qoatlus + 1 Jurrac in the hand to draw 2.
5. Jurrac Volcano destroys Megalo, sending an Astero from the ED to the GY, summons Jurrac Hera
6. 3rd Aeolo + Hera = Jurrac Giganoto
– Your Stigo combo only gets you one Giganoto.
– The combo above gets you an Astero on the field with Volcano (for Meteor field nuke + a negate summon), an Astero in the GY for a 2nd Meteor nuke, and between 9-11 Jurracs in the GY (depending on the number of Jurracs you discarded for Megalo) for a big ATK boost from Giganoto.
With your GY filled with 3 Aeolo, you should also be running 3x Rekindling, which will either get you a 2nd Astero or 2nd Giganoto (for up to +4400 ATK to every Jurrac).
I found the perfect ratios for this is:
3x Stigo
3x Aeolo
2x Megalo
2x Hera
2x Monoloph, although with the new Synch 6 (which is also a Rekindling target), I’d substitute 1x Monoloph for 1x Gallim and send Hera instead of Overtex Qoatlus with Stigo in the above combo.
Then the rest of the deck is filled with the the other good Dino supports.
Hm, thank you so much for the info – lot to digest but i definitely will be coming back to dig into it and figure out how to improve on the theme.
I would do 1 Aeolo, 2 Megalo and a Level 4 non-Tuner. Sync off Megalo and 4 for Velphito, tribute Aeolo to summon back a 4, then sync into Astero. This even works if Stigo pops itself in case you don’t have another card to pop.
If you’re going to make a title card you could at least screen shot the deck list so we can save it to images to look at during work or on the go. I don’t have time on my phone to scroll through the vid or copy and look up each card by name.
I mentioned it on youtube, but I’ll go into a bit more detail about the super ancient dinobeast line
>Summon Stigo and pop itself
>Send overtex qoatlus for effect
>SS 3x Aeolo, 1x Megalo, 1x Monoloph
> search beta evo pill with overtex effect
> use beta pill by sending monoloph and megalo to grave to SS super ancient dinobeast from Deck
> tribute 1 aelo to SS Stigo (draw with dinobeast)
> tribute second aelo to SS Monoloph (2nd draw with dinobeast)
> synchro stigo and mono into giga
> tribute third aelo for mono (3rd draw with dinobeast)
> synchro giga and mono into astero
> astero search field spell
At that point, if you have a rekindling, dinobeast turns that into an additional +4
Now, you could replace monoloph with gallim so you can go into bicorn carnovorus instead of giganoto, since that is a better bridge piece (it also has 200 def for rekindling).