More cards have popped up with unconfirmed text due to lack of pictures and glorious Japanese Shorthand. First up, Yugo’s…
Browsing: Set Spoilers
The early leaks begin, we’ll get back to you as stuff pops up. Right now it’s Independent Nightingale and some…
Straight from Konami, and confirming what the Counter from the pack is supposed to be. (Hint, it’s B.E.S. related)
Well that’s sure a card I don’t think anyone expected to be in here for one of the Parallel Rares.
Of all the cards in Pendulum Evolution (which also contains a significant amount of the Risebell lore.
Including more reprints for Pendulum Evolution.
Jack’s Resonator from the Duel against The Battle Beast.
They really focused everything on “cards used in the Meta Game” for the reprints, it looks.
Better(?) look at the other Pendulumgraph card from the poster.
And they’re here.