A remaining card from the Deck is revealed, along with multiple reprints. All from the commercial.
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One of Misawa’s boss monsters from the manga finally gets printed in the Official Card Game.
So you want Go and Blue Angel’s monsters but you don’t want to pay super money, well here’s a chance…
Just in time for the Holidays, 4KMedia is selling limited edition T-Shirts themed for the holiday.
We’re slowly looking to expand to TCG premier event coverage, and we’re starting with one Dan attended in person to…
There is a new Starter Deck in March after all.
For fans of SPYRAL and Infernity, this is definitely one you’ll enjoy. (LINK VRAINS Pack cards are also in.)
Konami is sponsoring Deck Videos in tandem with popular Japanese YouTubers to hype the release of LINK VRAINS Pack. Three…
Mostly Tote Bags but there’s also a jacket.
The main thing I think of importance for people here is the live YouTube feed and the “Latest News” stage.