A RUSH Pyro Deck using Combustion Oni Bunsel and an OCG Fish Deck featuring Abyss Keeper.
Browsing: Rush Duel Decklist
A Stardust Deck with Mudragon tech!
A RUSH DUEL Beast-Warrior Deck featuring “Drilling Tractiger”
Drilling Tractiger in a Music Princess Deck, “Labrynth” summons “The Revived Sky God”, and October 4th is Angel Day!
A Rush Duel Machine Deck featuring “Drilling Tractiger”, while Libromancer has a wild adventure with the Mikanko!
Let’s play a mostly modern Yugi Deck of sorts?
Clavkiys decides to bet his luck at the derby!
A Winged Dragon of Ra Deck with some Sacred Beast and Bystial Support!
Uh. Japan’s take at Beetroopers!
New age Ninjas use the power of Sol and Luna to great effect!