Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial Battle Version contains Marshmallon as a reprint. Source
Browsing: Anime
He’s the ghostest with the mostest, and confirmed color art too!
反逆の2つの影 Hangeki no Futatsu no Kage (The Two Shadows of Rebellion) August 10th, 2014 Yuya continues on his quest to…
Arc-V goods are coming out in Japan
Yu-Gi-Oh!, it looks, is taking another step into the digital age… Edit: More details
豪快披露!!満腹全席! Goukai Hirou!! Manpuku Zenseki! (A Exciting Performance! A Fulfilling Meal!) August 3rd, 2014 In order to earn the qualification…
So who liked the first few episodes of Zexal?
Take a first look at the Legendary Collections 5D’s box!
天才料理人『茂古田未知夫』 Tensei Ryourinin “Michio Mokota” (The Genius Chef “Michio Mokota”) July 27th, 2014 In order to be eligible to participate…
Reiji’s Xyz Monster effect has been revealed.