19 pages of based news, everybody. Part 1: Fluffals and Frightfurs and Edge Imps oh my. And 19 pages of uselessness except Fluffals apparently. All information bar Chimera is tentative.
Author: NeoArkadia
And two more cards are revealed to be in the set:
It’s time for the Zexal Opening and Ending collection to be released.
This time for those of you who aren’t singing the praises of the good guys (or prefer rivals)
For any readers in Germany: The German dub will be based on the Japanese footage and music, not editted dub footage. Source
It’s time for an upcoming YCS in the lovely Czech Republic
Straight from the official Konami Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Twitter
Episode 41: The Land of Ambitions – Duel Academia 1st February 2015 At the Maiami Championship, 16 duelists including Yuya, Yuzu and others have passed the second round. On the other hand, Reiji faces against Serena who resembles Yuzu. The aims and desires of the two that transcend dimensions are becoming clearer and clearer.
A Duel Field for those of you who like crazy little boys who break lollipops with their teeth.
It’s finally out with Hero’s Strike.