Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle.

Episode 51: 反旗を揚げろ オッドアイズ・リベリオン・ドラゴン Hanki wo Ageru Oddoaizu Reberion Doragon (Raise the Flag of Revolution – Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon) 12th April 2015 Learning that the Battle Royale was all along a test to select the Lancers, Yuya could not stop his fury against Reiji. While thinking of both the disappeared Yuzu and Yuuto, Yuya continues his duel against Reiji.

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New Card Introduction (of cards from CPD1)! “Comic Hand” appears along with cards that make “Toons” even stronger! “Collector’s Pack: Duelist of Destiny” (CPD1), which goes on sale May 16th, makes Toons even stronger! And among then is “Comic Hand”, an Equip Spell Card used by Pegasus in the “Yu-Gi-Oh! GX” TV series that’s been turned into a real Official Card Game card! Also, along with “Toon Ancient Gear Golem” and “Toon Kingdom” which we introduced on the Product Page, this pack has a ton of cards meant to help strengthen “Toon” Decks!

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(Duelist News is Cardobing under a new name) New Card Introduction! “Eccentric Archfiend” (Included in CORE) A Pendulum Monster has appeared that can use powerful destruction effects! In “Clash of Rebellions” (CORE) (which comes out April 25th, 2015), a Pendulum Monster appears that has an effect to destroy 1 monster on the field and a Pendulum effect that can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field!

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Episode 50:  ランサーズ 選ばれた戦士 Ransaazu Erabareta Senshi (The Chosen Lancers) 5th April 2015 It was revealed that the Battle Royale was all along Reiji’s plan to select the Lancers. Furious at him, Yuya challenged Reiji to a duel, however…

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