Meet the evolved form of Cyber Dragon Nova Edit: A new Dai Grepher related card appears! Edit: More Normal Rares, this one’s delicious! Edit: The final normal rare!
Author: NeoArkadia
It’s happening! (Much love and thanks to Eva as usual for translating these like a boss.)
All names and effects are tentative! Keep checking back for more news! EDIT: What do you get when you mix Cyber Dragon, Cyber Dragon Zwei, and Cyber Dragon Drei? Also here’s your Atlantean, looking a bit less scaly than his pals, while the island of herbs and spices finally makes its appearance.
Apparently the TCG isn’t getting the Double Starter Deck set that the OCG is getting.
Three cards that are considered to be good basics. (And all of them have been at Limited or lower in terms of restriction on the List.)
Some last minute news before stores spill beans. Edit 1: Frightfur Custom Added Edit 2: Tribute Lanius Added Edit 3: Fusion Conscription Added Edit 4: Frightfur Sheep Added Edit 5: Fluffal Sheep Added Edit 6: Frightfur Factory Added Edit 7: Frightfur Fusion, Edge Imp DT Modoki, Edge Imp Tomahawk, and Raidraptor & Fluffal-Frightfur Deck Lists Added
You know the drill. These aren’t outright Zefra Decks, more Zefra being used in their related decks.
The Full Spoiler, sans some Set Numbers
The recent episode of Arc-V’s end credits revealed Performapal Pinch Helper’s effects (we knew it was coming due to the previous issue of V Jump) Basically they were showing off cards included in a Deck of Yuya’s cards they’ll be handing out to 10 lucky contestants in Japan.
Looks like they should be out sometime during 2015.