Promos. Video Games.
Author: NeoArkadia
But no effects, because that would be spoiling.
Dark Magician and Psychic-Types!
First up, the Starter Deck
Mostly about contents!
Featuring a clear picture of what we’re currently calling Slyhand Magician
One of the key cards for the Magician Deck gets a Gold Rare Reprint in Japan.
Episode 94: 魂を刻んだ右腕 – Tamashii o Kizanda Migiude (The Right Arm That Carved Souls) Sergey gradually drives Jack into a corner, forcing him to make an ultimate choice. What is the answer that Jack poured his soul into? Meanwhile, Yuya and others head for the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, where Yuzu is being held.
And specifically one of the better Level 6 Synchros still legal.
And probably the most important one currently printed.