A first look at Beelzeus from a blurry picture of the 8th volume of the 5D’s Manga. No effect.
Author: NeoArkadia
The legendary CEO, the Kaiser, the HERO Duelist… now, the age of crab dawns!
A new Dueling Mat is going on sale for the OCG and it comes with an unexpected surprise for the Asian playerbase!
The third pack meant to make it easy to start having good competitive play in Chinese speaking territories. And speaking of competitive play…
占い少女 方中ミエル Uranai Shoujo: Houchun Mieru “The Fortunetelling Girl: Houchun Mieru” September 7th, 2014 Yuya continues to challenge himself in official duels to earn the Championship qualifications. His next opponent is a divination Duelist, Houchun Mieru, who is shrouded in mystery. Is Yuya’s future clear, or…?
New Card Information! “Obedience Schooled” (In EP14) A Powerful Spell Card That Supports Beast-Type Decks Has Appeared! “Extra Pack -KNIGHTS OF ORDER-” (EP14), which comes out September 13th, includes a powerful Spell Card that Special Summons 3 Beast-Type monsters from the Deck! Check out what kind of Beast-Type monsters you want to Special Summon, and consider the combos you can pull off with them!
These guys were announced back in March or so and don’t come out until the next issue of V Jump in mid September.
More news Update: More French E-Bay Update: Most foils identified
Seems people are busting their tins wide open. Update: Cardinal and Totem Bird
Yes we finally know what three cards automatically come with each Tin…