Don’t wake up the Red King.
Link-3 DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 2300
Arrows: Top, Left, Right
Materials: 2+ monsters, including a “M∀LICE” monster
You can only use the (1)st, (2)nd, and (3)rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can target up to 3 cards in the GYs; banish them.
(2) During your Main Phase: You can Set 1 “M∀LICE” Trap from your Deck or GY.
(3) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 900 LP; Special Summon it, then you can draw 1 card.
Not a way I would go about it (I would just give them a trap that can banish their traps), but it is a very good M∀LICE card that does fix the issues I had with the deck. Very welcomed addition.
I’d like a trap that gets an additional effect from being banished, right now the only benefit to banishing your traps is to make your guys big
You are wrong. Right now benefit of banishing traps is to being able to set more traps via White Rabbit.
Design wise it’s pretty much Sky Striker 2.0
By the way, judging by Artwork, it is not White Queen, but Unicorn
She shares the wheel things with DPH Gendamoore, so he might be Red Knight?
We still need monsters for Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
And for Jabberwock. And for March Hare. And for Red and White Knights (if this is not White Knight). And for Lion and Unicorn (if this is not Unicorn). And for White Queen. And for, well, Alice. And for 159739573 other characters.
…and for Grimm, of course.
In before pendulums
imagine you could pendulum summon from your banish zone instead of from hand or extra deck
Why Grimm? Alice is from Lewis Carol
I find it cute both queens have the same ATK but their artwork and Link Arrows are mirrored. They also each support a different type of card but do so in a different way, Red Ransom searches a Spell from Deck on summon. White Binder sets a Trap from Deck or GY as an ignition effect.
It’s fun, because neither of them are actually queens. Red Random and White Binder are actually Lion and Unicorn, respectfully. It still fits, because they are supposed to fight each other for the crown they would never get, so they mirror each other.
Red Ransom and White Binder are definitely the red and white queens. There’s nothing suggesting lion or unicorn
loli girl on a wheelchain in yugioh before GTA VI
Just because a girl has a small chest doesn’t automatically make her a loli
That’s just Himari from Blue Archive.
Cosplaying as a pseudo Chariot from Black*Rock Shooter (minus spider mech)
If you IP into this / summon it with a trap card from the GY on the opponents turn, you can summon the main deck monsters off of the banish to get their protection effects for the Links. Was wondering how to do that when running pure Malice…
Best deck builder pack by far
Best deck build pack was the one that had eldlich adamancipator & rikka in it. Why? Because eventually they all topped/won major events in paper TCG
Super agree, and i remember lot of people pulling rilla cards saying they were trash and hoping for the other 2 archetypes.
Está roto nmms
Another White Woman Link Monster.
I like it, good GY disruption that on the first turn can banish the 3 traps if that’s live. I’m waiting for the archetype to have a bishop that heals, because you are going to be paying a good chunk to be using all these cards
I’m alreadying trying to blueprint a deck for it, and I’m thinking on running “Solemn Wishes” and “Fiend Reflection of the Millennium” for that. Use FRotM’s effect on a double’d HEARTS OF CRYPTER?
Everyone else is clammering for Jabberwock and March Hare while I’m sitting here, waiting for Mock Turtle. [Sighs]
TBH I’m hoping for a couple of archetype spells. Maybe a quick-play spell or spells that combine the drink me/eat me scene and scam ads?
or a spell referencing Absolem (the Caterpillar) and his psychadelic hooka smoke?
Absolem is very fitting as there’s computer viruses named after caterpillar and worms.
but yeah we need more spell
This looks cool. But right now I’m not interested in see new cards being shown. I’m more interested in the bandlist being revealed.
The White Queen
as predicted it was the third queen from alice in wonderland books, the white queen
so looking at their maindeck monsters they are missing 1 more monster. they have a monster representing hearts, diamonds, and clubs. they are missing a monster representing spades. it could be anything from that puppy that appears in the woods, to the dodo that they chase while dancing, to the caterpillar on drugs.
this according to the books
I’m curious how they’ll make Absolem (the high AF caterpillar) a waifu.
Tiamaton – the sleepy, absend-minded girl is rather popular anime girl archetype.
Namesky – I meant design wise. caterpillar and worms as a humanoid is uncommon and usually weird. so I suppose they’ll just give her some pipe and call it a day
I wish this wasn’t a waifu cyberse deck. Sigh
Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight
It must’ve been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight
Yeah this is getting censored in the TCG. God bless Konami of Japan’s artists.
She does look like a girl in a wheelchair
Maliss White