Live Harp Horror Reaction
Newly Forbidden:
Agido the Ancient Sentinel
Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard
Mathmech Circular
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Newly Limited:
Orcust Harp Horror
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
Rescue-ACE Air Lifter
Unchained Soul of Sharvara
Sunavalon Dryas
Sunvine Healer
Ib the World Chalice Justiciar
Snatch Steal
Gozen Match
Rivalry of Warlords
There Can Be Only One
Newly Semi-Limited:
Dinowrestler Pankratops
Speedroid Terrortop
Purrely Sleepy Memory
No Longer Limited:
Infernity Archfiend
Kashtira Unicorn
Mind Control
Pot of Desires
Spellbook of Judgment
Spright Starter
Upstart Goblin
This list is crazy and honestly amazing, it’s feels like an OCG list!
Terratop at 2, Archfiend to 3 and Upstart to 3 is Christmas come early!!
All this Sunavalon hate is transphobic
They targeted /ourgirl/
As before I feel bad for pure Ishizu.duelistpack.deck.
Thanks man…
Warrior and cyberse deck are FINISHED !!!!!!!!!!!
Warrior and cyberse deck are FINISHED !!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, they had to nerf Tears again
Ib is really interesting though, I wonder what people will cook up with her
About time Upstart came back to 3 too, I need that for Endymion and Striker
I mean, at worst, they turned it into a more skill-based deck. I’m honestly looking forward to the challenge!
To hell with skill, I wanna hit the lottery!
Hah! Eat excrement you floodgates! Can’t have a Rivalry by yourself! Gozen Match? More like Solo Match! There can only be one? Lore accurate!
Now THIS is a F/L List. DAYUM.
Only downside is Shifter is still at 3. Booo. Also Rescue Ace will remain top deck, not sure how much of an impact Air Lifter to 1 will have when they want to start with the Wanted package anyway.
I just wish they gave us Prank-Kids Meow-Meow-Mu back to 1. Please Konami. It’s been a year and a half. I beg you. 😢
This list just killed a bunch of Decks at once.
We are also at the point in the game where Upstart and Archfiend can be at 3 and nobody cares.
Great list, simply for the fact that they finally chose to bring stuff back, and even experiment. I like almost all the limits and forbiddens too. Good job Konami (finally).
I do hate that Fenrir is STILL at 3 and no Shifter, but the list still slaps.
Shifter and Fenrir should have been banned. And banning Isolde??? Infernoble’s are dead now and will never recover.
Wow, my mathmech deck took a huge hit. They done ban my circular. I felt like mathmech was midtier at best.
I got to take a break now, until I come up with another idea.
I don’t understand why Isolde can’t be errata’d to be Noble Knight specific. So lame that I lose it in my pure Nobles because people abuse it.
Because you, and everyone else who keeps saying this errata stuff, fail to realize that THE OCG ONLY DOES MAJOR ERRATAS, AND ONLY FOR BANNED CARDS!!! No, the TCG isn’t gonna errata it, they never were, they NEVER will. It’s also unlimited in the OCG, so any hope you had for an errata is futile.
Dude get a life besides typing in all caps for no reason on a friendly discussion. I made a simple observation, never did I ever expect TCG to errata a card just that it would be nice if they would stop making cards so generic to the point they can be abused outside their archetype
You’re spot on about that. Japan never learns when they make cards like that. I don’t think they ever will either, unfortunately.
I am not playing infernoble, but i think ban isolde is too much… they could just ban the angelica’s ring or limit isolde instead at this point tcg will ban any combos deck because maxx c is illegal.
Also experimenting with Snatch Steal is stupid, definitely going to be ban again