The GameBoy videogame-onlys are spreading to the promos…
VJMP-JP266 Kokoro o Kooraseru Snow Crystal (Soul-Freezing Snow Crystal) / Soulicer Crystal
No concrete information on the effect this time, just that it’ll be “up-to-date” and “surprising”. It will be revealed on February 7th.
Of note, it was a Machine monster in DDS, but was changed to Aqua in DM4. It had 300 ATK and 1900 DEF in both appearances.
Both types have decks getting support, but I suspect with Chaotic Elements getting printed it’s an Aqua.
@Samurex- Good point.
Hopefully it will have decent stats for being a level 6, if it does keep the video game stats, hopefully it will either have some form of atk or def boosting, or have an effect that makes it worth tribute summoning in the first place.
I have the same Idea too, maybe they’re going to introduce a new archtype or something for those specific light/dark pyro/aqua mons, unless they’re freeing Tearlaments early
I am now looking into seeing if Tistina can take a Tearlaments engine. I’ve already figured Rulkallos would be a good protective screen for the lower levelled Tistina, but I wonder how much else I can fit in.
New aqua for chaotic elements
It’s an aqua, they have never used the 3 types because they were procedurally generated and so most are nonsense (this sort of works as machine but given it’s a big lump of ice aqua is much better fitting).
It was also a level 4 in DM3 and changed to a 6 in DM4.
This is tistina support, LIGHT monster that was Aqua in the games. Also it’s level 6, Tistina has levels 1-5 and 10 but not 6 yet
When we will get the last 13 cards of alliance insight?
I could expect 3-6 for the Deck Build themes, but the rest on release day.
Tomorrow, Sunday, and all of next week.
Set will leak by next Thursday. Last time it was that Tuesday.
Fortunately based on leaks, 6 of the remaining 13 cards are Crossover Breakers suooort and they will be announced as a bundle.
I hope we get a Zera the Mant retrained one day. He was always one of my favorite Rituals.
That and Chakra
This is most likely specific support for Chaotic Elements.
Soulcier Crystal had two distinct designs and stat lines. In Dark Duel Stories, it was a Level 4 Machine and had a dark blue and red color scheme. In Duel Monsters 4, it was an instead Level 6 Aqua and has a pale blue, yellow and orange color scheme. This card adopts the latter.
I think it’s mildly disingenuous to list aqua and machine as equal probabilities: the art and level are taken from DM4.
It is as cold as the snow that comes with a blizzard, it is as hard as a crystal.
Definutely not illusion this time.
Wait, does this mean we could even get Angler Fatfish as a promo?