Everyone’s favorite Gyaru magician arrives late to help her master and his friends!
ALIN-JP004 魔術師の弟子-ブラック・マジシャン・ガール Majutsushi no Deshi – Black Magician Girl (Magician’s Apprentice – Black Magician Girl) [Dark Magician Girl the Magician’s Apprentice]
Level 6 DARK Spellcaster Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 1700
You can only Special Summon with the (1)st effect of this card’s name once per turn. You can only use the (2)nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by discarding 1 other card. If Summoned this way, its name becomes “Dark Magician Girl”.
(2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 “Shining Sarcophagus” from your Deck to your hand.
(3) Gains 300 ATK for each monster in either GY that mentions “Shining Sarcophagus”.
Can’t wait to see bad the TCG will butcher this artwork.
The fact that the TCG still changes names and censors artwork is ridiculous since it’s clear that more adults play Yu-Gi-Oh than young children.
Would be a improvement if Konami just allowed the default game be for teens+ like it was originally in japan, espieally with how complex it is nowadays. After that they should simply let Rush Duels be the kiddy version of Yugioh like it kinda already is. No good reason to market both games to pipsqueaks afterall!
God do you EVER stop complaining, just don’t play the game if you are gonna complain on every single thread of a new card.
Meanwhile Rush Duel that aim toward children audience gets even more bobas
OCG censors everything for the Korean and TCG markets- the same applies for Rush Duels when they censor their artwork.
they should honestly just give us uncensored lost art promotion cards more frequently, we are still missing so many uncensored DMG artworks
Honestly not that big of a deal the most they will do is cover up the cleavage
The fact they still censor the game despite that I’ve not seen a single child play the game for years is rather dumb.
Creative Deck Poofile, Korea has actual laws about this, which makes it wild when you see things like Nikke, especially Last Origin.
thats not even am argument
even to the fact that more adults play this game its not an argument to not censor card
mother of god.
dark magician girl support yay berry magician girl target
For a deck that live or die by that continous, yeah this is really good
Football moms are not gonna like that are
Yeeeees! Shining Sarcophagus deck continues to expand!!
TBH I think this is great. Outside of Shining Sarcophagus decks, this version of Dark Magician Girl makes a Shining Sarcophagus engine more viable. it can special summon itself, can search out the glowing coffin, and there’s 4 different low level monsters in the archetype that you can use to power her up. While the original has less cards to work with.
I’m glad this DMG variant retains the same discard to Special Summon effect as Apprentice Illusion Magician and Nightmare Apprentice. This also lets you add the Dark Magician support core more easily into Shining Sarcophagus, which the Deck already uses to some extent.
Also this card was leaked in advance so a lot of people saw this coming.
For that last part, not really. I still saw people guessing 004 will be Arcana Force, or even another Shark card lol
*I saw, not I still saw, oops
If we get Arcana Force cards they’d be next to the Metalmorph cards in the set.
I just hope with Duelist Advance, now that 25th will be ending, that they take a break with all the Duel Monsters stuff.
They are beating us over the head with it at this point.
Do a year of GX for its aniv for all I care, but then please move on from nostalgia bait cards.
Also, I’m really hoping Duelist Advance is an Odd-Eyes set as implied, and we finally get Pendulums with differing Scales, and maybe an MR update of some sort.
I’d love to see Pendulums bypass Dimensional Fissure-esque effects, and for Spell/Traps to be able to have multiple types with existing cards be retrofit with it. Like, for example, Libromancer First Appearance. It’s a Field Spell that Ritual Summons. Why can’t it be both a Field Spell and a Ritual Spell at the same time? Same with any Quick-Play ‘Ritual Spells’.
Also, make Traps that equip into propper Equip Traps, and Traps that have an activated effect to turn into a monster have their own unique typing/symbol both for brevity and support. (They can still be Normal or Continuous as they already are.)
Duel Monsters is their consistent best-seller and is most recognizable to casuals – they won’t “take a break” from making more stuff for them.
before they move on to GX, they should at least give us red-eyes support…
Never share a thought or opinion again
@kuroisepu it would by nice if they made red-eyes playable like they did blue-eyes. doesn’t have to be meta but at least make is playable.
Pretty nice you don’t need Shining Sarcophagus on the field to summon her. Lets the card to be easily playable in dark spellcaster builds regardless of missing out on the bonus effects, she is especially good for the level 6 spam variations.
minus 1 just to summon 1 level 6 monster that does nothing for other decks is not a good strategy, if you don’t play shining sarcophagus, you might as well just play other level 6 monsters that can special summon themselves
Except for Apprentice Illusion Magician which isn’t enough alone for rank 6 builds, there otherwise isn’t many other level 6 dark spellcasters that can special summon themselves. Besides not everything has to be a high meta contender to be worth playing.
Was expecting a blockman retrain to discard itself and place shining sarcophagus face-up in the spell & Trap zone but this works to. Guess they wanted to mimic “Sage’s Stone”. Dark Magician Girl searches shining sarcophagus, which searches Dark Magician and he special summons himself.
Finally a DMG retrain that also works for the DM deck.
Now we need harpie lady sisters retrain
I still wish they’d remain focused on Yugi cards rather than those he shares with Atem but outside of the breach in the theme, it looks like good support
This isn’t very good in a standard DM deck though. Only counts as DMG on the field so you can’t summon it with Magicians’ Souls or the field spell, and it doesn’t net you an extra draw off Soul Servant GY effect.
The art is just *chef’s kiss* amazing
This reminds me, we really need some shining sarcophagus card which can summon or add cards from banishment
but hey, cant complain about another starter… sadly once again one which gets nuked by gandora (also since we have both dgm and dm now, we can definitely do some shenanigans with certain dm cards)
Amazing card. So happy to be able to play more complex strategies with this deck. Since this “archetipe” recieves support i hope for new trap and magic cards dedicated to the new couple of the dark magicians and to see at some point also a Buster Blader / Gaia et c. to eventually incorporate their cards
Really good. A nother searcher now. I’m waiting for the new Atem deck of the ceremonial duel if it appears one day.
really wish it could grab from GY too
being lv6 has its applications too to make strike bounzer for a monster negate or putting 2 under a norito for s/t negate
or most likely, the humble Evolzar Lars
Funny how we are getting Golden Sarcophagus monsters based on what Yami Yugi used… some day we will get Gold Blockman I am sure of it.
Where is all the feministards go now?
Gyaru? Are you alright in the head dude?
The term is a Japanese transliteration of the English word “gal”.
Dark Magician Girl is a highly stylized Gyaru girl, IIRC, from Kazuki’s comments. Or she was inspired by the fashion style.
Here come the brain dead tourists who know nothing about gals to nitpick a throwaway line. For the record, it’s far from just yamanba
Uh, I don’t know, as far as I’ve been able to see Gyaru today, it’s very different from what DMG is like, except for the blonde hair and the makeup, the illustration really has no elements in common.
Perhaps the term/urban tribe has evolved quite a bit since then or we have been misinformed. Whatever the case may be, it seems to me that the discussion does not merit throwing poison without justification Creative Deck Poofile
The brain dead tourist being you, last time I checked gyaru is a rebelious fashion movement against traditional japanese standards, DMG isn’t even dressed like a japanese schoolgirl
In fact, she isn’t even JAPANESE at all unless we also have gyarus in ancient egypt
There is nothing “gyaru” about her
Takahashi got inspired by it when making the character but it doesn’t go beyond just she having blonde hair, he didn’t literally draw a actual gal
Okay so, it easily summons itself and is another way to search sarcophagus. That way the gadget guys can search something else. At least that’s what I gather, so good for the deck.
Okay so, it easily summons itself and is another way to search sarcophagus. That way the gadget guys can search something else. At least that’s what I gather, so good for the deck.
The rumors were golden. The side-boob and thighs are golden. I see copy pasting Apprentice Illusion Magician’s vomit (stolen valor from the tricky) and sorch is Konami’s official in-house Black Magician Girl lore. The wait for golden Blockman continues.
Good card, can never say no to another good gold sarc for a deck that relies entirely on having that card active. Hopefully this opens up room for retrains of the DM fusion monsters. Would tie in well with Rush getting Dark Paladin
gold sarc searcher*
The real important question is, why does her hair look like a bunch of BANANAS??
I find it amusing that this gets announced, since two of the silly tech cards I have for my in-progress Shining Sarcophagus deck are DMG the Dragon Knight and Apprentice Illusion Magician.
Calling DMG gyaru is really stretching the term a little too far. I’m also surprised they chose DMG over S.M LV7
I swear they’ve drawn DMG is every pose possible at this point…
DMG is NOT a Gyaru
her Xyz retrain literally has the word “Gyaru” in the name. it’s being used to mean Gal instead of the slang term. imagine being this autistic to care this much about how a fictional character is being referred to (when you probably also don’t care about real people’s proper pronouns lmao)
Ma che schifo. veramente senza parole. avete buttato l’archetipo mago nero.