Events Misc Product News Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Yu-Gi-Oh! GX [MERCHANDISE] Wonder Festival Shanghai FiguresBy SanokalOctober 3, 20234 Following on from Revoltech’s GX lineup, Yusei and some critters from 5D’s get the figure treatment. Neos was fashionably late like he…
Forbidden & Limited Lists Master Duel [Master Duel] February 14th UpdateBy NessFebruary 14, 20231 The big anniversary SIPP.
Set Spoilers Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Yu-Gi-Oh! GX [AC02] The Last CardsBy NessJune 10, 20220 Don’t piss off Neos.
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (09/28/2020)By NessSeptember 28, 20200 Featuring some October Format Decks.
News Set Spoilers Yu-Gi-Oh! GX [DP23] Honest Neos reprintBy NessOctober 18, 20190 It’s now fashionable to reprint the non-Fusion Neos upgrades.
News Set Spoilers Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Dark NeostormBy EvaSeptember 25, 20180 The Eighth (and presumably the Xyz) set of Series 10 is revealed