Reference Art [Reference Art] Mitsurugi no Mikoto, Saji & Futsu no Mitama no MitsurugiBy NessFebruary 15, 20258 Endless year of the snek
Archetype Discussion Looking Ahead Opinion Pieces MW: The Best Cards From Supreme Darkness And Returning Techs!By Bolt SpiderJanuary 29, 20256 Since Supreme Darkness was officially released this past Friday, let’s take a look at the top cards of the set…
New Cards News OCG & TCG Alliance Insight Product Info [TCG]By NeoArkadiaJanuary 24, 202523 Great year for serpentine monsters.
Manga New Cards News OCG & TCG TCG World Premiere Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Blessed Be The “Mitsurugi” [SUDA-EN]By NeoArkadiaDecember 20, 202461 Oh, what noble and glorious Kami awakens from its slumber in the ancient Jinja of the Land.