Archetype Discussion Looking Ahead Opinion Pieces MW: The Best Cards From Supreme Darkness And Returning Techs!By Bolt SpiderJanuary 29, 20256 Since Supreme Darkness was officially released this past Friday, let’s take a look at the top cards of the set…
Casual Decklist Competitive Deck Decklists Konami Decklist Master Duel Decklist OCG Decklist Rush Duel Decklist September 30th to October 10th, 2024 [Deck Recipes]By NeoArkadiaOctober 10, 20241 Yes, it took like 10 days for new official lists to pop up.
Looking Ahead News Reprints Set Spoilers Link Vrains Pack 2, Revised LocalizationsBy Pharaoh AtemDecember 3, 20180 Seventeen OCG-Premiere Link Monsters and three TCG-Premiere Link Monsters combine to headline Link Vrains Pack 2.