No hint of what the three themes would be.
Easily Enjoy Building Competitive Level Decks With Themes With Differing Tactics! The Release Of The New Concept Pack “TACTICAL-TRY PACK” Has Been Confirmed!
Release Date: June 28th, 2025
Price: 176 Yen for 1 Pack of 5 Cards
15 Packs per Box
A new Concept Pack “TACTICAL-TRY PACK” has been announced for release on June 28th, 2025, that will let you build Decks out of the pack for themes of varying strategies. This pack contains cards for three themes as well as cards that have fantastic synergy with those themes, letting you build different types of Decks with this pack alone. And, not only are there brand new cards to unleash brand new strategies, but there are also highly versatile existing cards as well.
This has been such a wired year. No Duelist Pack or Animation Chronicles announced. But new products like this being announced instead. Plus we didn’t get a Structure Deck Revival last year either.
you forgot blue-eyes? it is an SD Revival
But it wasn’t marketed as one. Also I assume it was the structure deck based on a anime character we been getting since 2021. We got Utopia, Crystal Beast, Red Dragon Archfiend then Blue-Eyes. We were probably supposed to get one based on Atlanteans but Konami canned it and instead released the new cards in core boosters.
This might be a replacement for the Duelist Pack as that was an increasingly whelming product line.
I get the feeling that this product is a rebrand of the Duelist Pack. The cadence of how this product seems to be structured echoes that of the most recent iteration of the Duelist Pack product line.
Hopefully, the number of new cards each theme gets will remain no lower than 7.
If that’s the case if reminds me of how Booster SP/ and the first few Deck Built Pack used to be. They originally contained new support for old decks until Konami decided to instead have each new DBP set include 3 new archetype instead of new support for already existing ones.
“If that’s the case if reminds me of how Booster SP/ and the first few Deck Built Pack used to be. They originally contained new support for old decks until Konami decided to instead have each new DBP set include 3 new archetype instead of new support for already existing ones.”
That’s true. And also like the rebranded Booster SP did, this rebranded Duelist Pack is, at least seemingly so, dropping the Anime connection. At the very least, it’s dropping any overt connection to the Anime.
Wired? I knew Justin Jones/Joshua Seed changed his name again and became Venom. What’s the next name then Justy/Joshy? How can you still not be able to spell WEIRD. WE-ERD! ITS SPELT HOW IT SOUNDS!
@Grumpido, check it again, the new blue-eyes SD isn’t an SDR, the last one is Fireking, Atlantean would have been an SDR first and then Chaos dragons with a Lightpulsar Retrain before Blue-Eyes but they decided nope and just put Atlantean in the packs and still no Lightpulsar retrain and then they made a Blue-Eyes SD instead
Blue Eyes is a Structure Deck R in all but name. Splitting the difference is being pedantic.
@Design you have issues. I think you need mental health.
My intuition says Labrynth will be one of the themes in here with the new alt and Trap Trick being reprinted for the Winner Pack, but I’m probably wrong.
why? Nobody likes labrynth why would they reprint them
Many people like Labrynth (me included) and they’ve been teasing new support for it for a while.
Hopefully with finally get that last servant seen on Big Welcome.
Wrong. People like the girl portraited in labrynth, not the deck. Everyone hates this type of nonsense deck
I also like Labrynth.
is this like deck builder pack 2.0
Rather than that, I suspect it’s more like a rebranded Duelist Pack.
The structural concept of this product seems to have taken the place of the Duelist Pack.
Like the most recent iteration of the Duelist Pack, this Tactical-TRY Pack has 3 themes that can ostensibly be made from this product alone. The themes are implied to be old themes, just as the Characters Decks supported by the Duelist Pack line of products were. And also like those themes, each included theme will contain new cards that will bolster and likely rejuvenate said included themes.
The wording of this product does seem to put more emphasis on the existing cards of the included themes, relegating the existence of the new cards as an after-the-fact mention. I hope that doesn’t mean the amount of new card being given to these included themes will be less than 7 apiece.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Konami decided to discounted those sets due to poor sales. I don’t know if it really true but supposedly those sets sold very poorly and the fire pack was a major flop at least in the TCG. So I don’t know if that true or not but that’s at least what I been hearing.
I do find myself questioning the veracity of the hearsay of products doing poorly, especially when it comes to products that don’t explicitly court a competitive crowd. I do so because these hearsays tend to conveniently cater to the narrative held by many an armchair/faux-competitive Yugioh player who treat this game as only mattering if its cards compete with whatever’s got the meta in a stranglehold at any given moment.
That said, I do remember hearing talks of how the earliest iteration of the Legend Duelist Duelist Packs, made when VRAINS began, tended not to do so well. That was back when the structure was 6 characters who each got 4 new cards. Their power level was alleged to be such that they could be slotted into the then-environment of Duel Links. (Dunno about the accuracy of that, as I never played Duel Links.) If it’s accurate, it might explain why they eventually changed the structure halfway through VRAINS to 5 characters getting 5 new cards each. And potentially why post-VRAINS era changed it again for the Attribute Duelist Packs (3 characters who each get 7 new cards).
The first few Legend Duelist Pack products from VRAINS onwards were heavily billed as being inspired to let you play like or at a Duel Links-y level.
The main thing I’d note is you don’t particularly print Baronne de Fleur or Ishizu’s remake cards the way they were, if you’re particularly confident in your product’s ability to stand on their own two legs.
I lost all hope for a new Vampire Structure Deck R. With new Vampire cards in the new Vampire style. Red-eyes Vampire Dragon anyone?
same situation but mine was for Daedalus and Infernal Flame Emperor Structure Deck R…
Gonna have to hope those’ll turn up in a future Core Booster like the Mermail/Atlantean cards did.
With the restructuring changes the game has gone through recently, are we even getting SDRs anymore?
Animation Chronicle and Duelist Packs are dead. Many speculate the 8 Merlantean cards in ROTA and SUDA were meant to be their own SDR. Last year’s SD was Blue-Eyes. Series 12 ended in 2 years and not 3, and the first set in Series 13 is ZEXAL (popular in Japan).
SDRs may also be dead, and if we are lucky their cards may be put into future core sets.
Finally we will have Shiranui in TACTICAL-TRY PACK *inhales dangerous amounts of copium*
I’m done with this game
I see people commenting this on every post. What’s so offensive about this that you’re quitting the game
Tbf the game is dogs*it recently so it’s understandable
Daniel i only love 2 archtypes all othrrs idc about ofc if thry font get support im done. I love cydra amc cydark i know they got 1 csrd each but not enough
They just want another way to give us more Sky Striker support.
Weird way to wrote Deck Build Pack :Re
Sky Striker should be in Duelist’s Advance.
Red Eyes support please…….
Is this for Asian-English or it will be in TCG also