The Asian English format restricts several themes from the first third of Series 12 and hands a warning to those on Pot.
This list takes effect on the 1st of January, 2025:
Amazoness Archer
Cannon Soldier
Cyber Jar
Fiber Jar
Magical Scientist
Butterfly Dagger – Elma
Card of Safe Return
Cold Wave
Delinquent Duo
Dimension Fusion
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Last Will
Mass Driver
Mirage of Nightmare
Painful Choice
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Smoke Grenade of the Thief
Snatch Steal
The Forceful Sentry
Imperial Order
Last Turn
Life Equalizer
Magical Explosion
Royal Oppression
Trap Dustshoot
Ultimate Offering
Diabellstar the Black Witch (New)
Snake-Eye Ash (New)
Snake-Eyes Poplar (New)
Tenpai Dragon Chundra (New)
Crossout Designator (New)
Foolish Burial (New)
Harpie’s Feather Duster (New)
Monster Reborn (New)
Kaiser Colosseum (New)
Reinforcement of the Army (New)
Runick Fountain (New)
Sangen Summoning (New)
Terraforming (New)
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils (New)
Skill Drain (New)
Summon Limit (New)
Bonfire (New)
Called by the Grave (New)
One for One (New)
Pot of Desires (New)
Pot of Extravagance (New)
Pot of Prosperity (New)
Purrely Sleepy Memory (New)
Red Reboot (New)
Revealing multiples of the same limb with Millennium Ankh is a huge flavor failure.
Honestly? Still 10x better than the TCG
Show us on this doll where the TCG touched you – 8=D