Hmm. I wonder what the alternate art for these guys could possibly be?
TW02-JP027 Jurrac Megalo
Level 1 FIRE Dinosaur / Tuner / Effect
ATK/500 DEF/1300
You can only use the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If you control a Dinosaur monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.
(2) During your Main Phase: You can discard 2 cards, including a “Jurrac” card, then draw 2 cards.
(3) If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can send 1 “Jurrac” monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY, except “Jurrac Megalo”.
This card is named after the Megalosaurus, the first named dinosaur.
TW02-JP028 Jurrac Stigo
Level 4 FIRE Dinosaur / Effect
ATK/1700 DEF/900
You can only use the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 card you control, and if you do, send 1 Dinosaur monster from your Deck to the GY, then you can Special Summon any number of “Jurrac” monsters from your hand and/or Deck whose total Levels equal the sent monster’s Level, ignoring their Summoning conditions, except “Jurrac Stigo”, also you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Dinosaur monsters.
(2) When this card is destroyed by battle: You can return 1 card on the field to the hand.
Despite the spelling, this card is indeed named after Stegosaurus.
TW02-JP029 Jurrac Astero
Level 10 FIRE Dinosaur / Synchro / Effect
ATK/2500 DEF/2300
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Dinosaur monsters
(1) If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can Set 1 “Jurrac” Spell/Trap from your Deck or GY.
(2) Once per turn, if your opponent would Special Summon a monster(s) (Quick Effect): You can banish 2 Dinosaur monsters from your GY; negate the Summon, and if you do, destroy that monster(s).
(3) During your opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can banish 2 “Jurrac” monsters from your GY, including this card; Special Summon 1 “Jurrac Meteor” from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)
As with Jurrac Meteor, this card is simply named after a cosmic body – in this case an asteroid. Notably, a meteor is the visible passage of an asteroid entering the atmosphere.
TW02-JP030 Jurrac Volcano
Field Spell
You can only use the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 Dinosaur monster you control, and if you do, Special Summon 1 “Jurrac” monster from your Deck.
(2) If your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) during the turn they activated monster effects 4 or more times: You can Special Summon 1 “Jurrac Meteor” from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)
(3) If a “Jurrac” monster(s) you control would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish 1 Dinosaur monster from your GY instead.
The following cards will also be reprinted:
Jurrac Velo
Jurrac Monoloph
Jurrac Titano
Jurrac Guaiba
Jurrac Dino
Jurrac Gallim
Jurrac Aeolo
Jurrac Giganoto
Jurrac Velphito
Jurrac Meteor
Jurrac Impact
Jurrac is cracked I love this so much
I love this, are better cards than I expected, and, allthough all know still needs of the Dino engine, is enough to make a good fun puré Jurrac deck
quite funny that Astero gives the dino an answer to the meteor nibiru
He negate
He attacc
But most important
He Jurrac
He also tactical nuke the board
Fabled tomorrow hopefully. Last year we got Ice Barrier and Infernoid revealed simultaneously. This year we lost out on a Supreme Darkness reveal in place of making these two reveals separate.
Finally, some Dinosaur stuff that doesn’t necessarily mean throwing it into the Dino Pile Deck.
Also, Jurrac came a little late to the Year of FIRE’s party.
Yh now we have Jurrac Dino pile!
Yeah sure, just turn Meteor into Nibiru, why not.
Awesome support, I love it.
Nibiru that you can use twice lol
The Field Spell makes Jurrac Meteor a Nibiru of sorts. Which is very fitting, of course.
We got Nibiru lore with Theia, and now we got Astero(id) and Jurrac Meteor support
I kinda notice the pattern here
They’re freakin ANGRY!!!
These are some of the funniest cards I have read in a long time, love the idea of just dropping meteors on my opponent especially since it’s a bit messed up when you take into account the lore. I don’t know if it saves Jurrac or just adds another engine to the dino pile deck though. Every time I see terminal world I feel so nostalgic. Hopefully we get that mist valley support soon
its even funnier since the field spell can protect your dinos from the metoer you summon
with these cards, everyone can channel Madara Uchiha and tell everyone “what will you do about the second one”
Finally after 3 years we get something good again for them. The playable dinos supports!
I was waiting for Jurrac supports in booster pack like 1 or 2 years ago.. Glad they deciced to make it happen here
When Graydle Support?
I now want new Worm
and X Saber
My thoughts exactly
I love these duel terminal archetype supports.
We need some new X-Saber support soon.
Hopefully they get a wave of “X-Saber” cards in a set like this, a wave of “XX-Saber” in a main set, and then an “MX-Saber” Link as some promo.
I don’t play X-Saber, but I feel like that deck deserves to shine again. It used to be so intimidating to face back in the day.
So Jurrac was already confirmed, but it’s still good to see it, and man, did Konami try as much as they could. This stuff is great (I especially like that there are two ways to summon Meteor on your opponent’s turn; it’s really funny), but Jurrac will not be its own deck. Dino-pile(like pretty much all dino archetypes not named Dinomorphia). Not that it is a bad thing. I like this.
Well, yeah. Volcano isn’t just their first field spell, it’s the second of only two backrow cards they have and Impact only has a generic Dinosaur effect.
Stigo is broken, don’t think it will be enough to bring us back but it opens several possibilities
Stego is not broken. Every previous Jurrac monster except Meteor is awful. War Rock awful. You’re filling your deck with Garnets. Also the highest level Dinosaur that even does anything in the GY is Stegocyber, which is level 6. So you’re milling a dinosaur for fun. People will really see the word destroy on a Dinosaur card and call it broken.
Nyurgh you don’t really have to play that many bricks really at most you only play 3 Volcano, 3 Stigo, 1-2 Megalo, 1 Titano, and 1 extra copy of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno.
Stigo effect send UCT SS Titano and Megalo Synchro Astero set field. These gets you 4 dinos in the GY 3 Jurrac names in GY.
The only hard brick your adding is Titano but you can still get it out of your hand with pill. I would say 1 hard brick for an Inherent summons negate and up to 2 board wipes is worth the extra brick.
They can’t make a Juracc Comet because comets are made of ice.
I am glad we got this first before Fabled
It’s funny because canonically Jurrac kills the Fabled, and that lead to the Verz virus unleashing and causing 90% of the bad things in DT story part 2 and 3.
JURRAC METEOR BOOOOM!! Not sure if that would be the route I’d have taken with Jurrac support, but it’s very funny, and Jurracs didn’t really have a lot to build on anyway. Stigo is neat as it encourages use of the fairly weak high-level main deck Jurracs.
Nonchalant rekindling from deck sounds about right when there’s only 4 new cards, I appreciate the gesture of being able to cheat out Jurrac Titano. I certainly can’t say that about gishki which missed the opportunity to cheat out their spirit monsters. While things don’t stray too far from the usual dinosaur grey slime shenanigans I guess meteor was a good excuse as any, I wish more aces had support that specifically named them coughkingarmageddoncough and now meteor has 2, good for him. Wild to think that had there not already been that one-off jurrac trap we’d probably have another genex situation.
I still think about that thread that wanted Jurrac Deino banned because it harmed apprentice monarchs.
Good support for jurracs.
If the Fabled support is as good then we in for some treats.
Hopefully Fableds finally get a really good Boss Monster of their own.
Imagine it having an effect where card amount in hand is required like The Fabled Unicorn , but for like one of the effects. As long as its fun and gives fableds some way to bounce back…a true Boss of their own. Maybe give Fableds even more fun with Fiendsmiths if the support is Fiends.
Imagine the salt nuking the opponent 3 times. Glorious.
small correction: Jurrac Stego is indeed called Stego – the Japanese is “suteigo”. you might’ve mixed up the katakana for “te” and “chi”?
The smaller ィ makes the テ (“te”) into “ti”, Katakana 101.
The original Nibiru!
Jurrac Meteor’d me baby, one more time~
in what dinosaur Astero was based on?
None. He’s based on Asteroids, just like how Jurrac Meteor is based on, well, Meteors.
Jurrac about to play mental gymnastics against combo decks to see if they negate either Nibiru or Meteor
God please, let there be Worm and X-Saber support soon
I wish new X-Saber support came in, it’s been a bit
Still waiting for Lswarm new support
Jurrac meteor emboding that Madara line “Well then, what will you do about the second one”. with how easily it is gonna be spammed.
There are two ways to cheat out Jurrac Meteor. Which I think is really funny.
I can’t believe my eyes.
this is exactly what was i expecting, i would liked 1 or 2 extra main guys but it is fine. now i can finally make a Dino Deck.
PLEASE MIST VALLEY need something to just function, WORMS, GUSTO, EVILSWARM, HARPIE, ALLY OF JUSTICE all these decks have no plays.
Harpie isn’t a Duel Terminal archetype.
I feel like they NEED a card that says “”Jurrac” monsters that are destroyed by card effects can be treated as being destroyed by battle.” or else all the old Jurracs are just bad in the deck.
This is all pretty good but I especially love Jurrac Astero’s negation of SS for a simple Dino in your GY. Really solid disruption that we don’t see enough of