Which will you choose? The power of endless attacks or absolute beauty?
RD/SD0C-JP001 Chimeratech Over Dragon
Level 9 DARK Machine Fusion Effect Monster
Materials: “Cyber Dragon” + 1+ Machine monsters
This card’s original ATK/DEF becomes 800 x [The number of monsters used as material when this card is Fusion Summoned].
【CONTINUOUS EFFECT】 Each turn, this Fusion Summoned card can attack monsters up to [The number of monsters used as material when this card was Fusion Summoned].
RD/SD0C-JP029 Cyber Rush Fusion
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If you control a monster.
【EFFECT】 Fusion Summon a monster that lists “Cyber Dragon” as material by shuffling up to 5 LIGHT Machine monsters from your field or GY into the Deck as material , then, if there are monsters on your field except the monster Special Summoned by this effect, destroy those other monsters.
Over-Rush Rare of “Chimeratech Over Dragon”
Note: “Harpie Lady Sisters” does not refer to the Level 5 Special Summon monster in Rush Duel, it refers to a Maximum Monster trio called “Harpie Ladies” in Japanese.
RD/SD0D-JP001 Harpie Ladies Triangle Beauty [Harpie Lady Sisters Triangle Beauty]
Level 12 WIND Winged Beast Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 3400
DEF 2100
Materials: “Harpie Lady Sisters” + 2 WIND Winged Beast monsters
You can Contact Fusion this card.
【CONTINUOUS EFFECT】 This card’s name is treated as “Harpie Lady Sisters” and cannot be destroyed by the effects of your opponent’s Spell & Trap Cards. Face-up Level 12 monsters on your field cannot be used as material for a Fusion Summon.
RD/SD0D-JP035 Hysteric Party
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When your opponent draws during your opponent’s turn OR When your monster is destroyed by your opponent’s attack.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 card in your hand and send it to the GY, then, you can choose up to 3 “Harpie Lady”, “Harpie Lady Sisters” or WIND Winged Beast Fusion Monsters (in total) in your GY and Special Summon them to your field face-up.
Over-Rush Rare of “Harpie Lady Sisters Triangle Beauty”
Rush’s Chimeratech Overdragon is a straight up small upgrade from the normal game’s version, makes me wish they would errata that one to be better too.
The fact it has to be said what Harpie Lady Sisters is shows how stupid it was for them to name the maximum that in the English version
Yeah, Sanokal, one of our staff members, suggested I add it specifically to avoid confusion.
So cool!
Find it funny how Rush Duels are meant for younger kids and yet cards like Harpie Lady stay uncensored. Meanwhile in the TCG where clearly more adults play the game they still feel the need to continue censoring the card arts.
Japan doesn’t have the same Christian/Puritan-inspired views of nudity as the West does.
OCG censors cards based on their perception of societal norms here, don’t get it twisted. We don’t have soccer moms a la the 90’s or TV hosts talking about how demonic the tits in Fortnite are anymore.
Hysteric Party is a Continuous Trap in OCG, but changed to a Normal Trap in Rush. Interesting.
There are no Continuous Traps in Rush so it was reclassified.
The good old Chimeratech Over Dragon received some tweaks that indirectly improved it. However, the new Fusion Spell Card, Cyber Rush Fusion, seems to be created with the intention of making Chimeratech easier to use.
On the other hand, Rush’s Harpie takes better advantage of the Maximum + Fusion Deck thing. Not to mention that Konami seems to be aware that a certain Insect Deck that I won’t mention is causing trouble with its Super Poly-style Effects.
The anti-Delirium thing is not really relevant unless a list is running Jointech Praime Rex to combo with Delirium Embrace. It looks more like future-proofing to me against more Super Poly effects getting printed in the future.
3400 attack is easily surmountable these days, but being able to recur the fusion from Hysteric Party is solid.
That effect isn’t for future proofing, it’s mostly there so you don’t Contact Fusion multiple of them at once.
@Aussie Riolu: The thing is, even if you could use it as material for a Contact Fusion, it would just return the previous TB to the Extra Deck. It couldn’t be used as a way to purposefully get TBs into the GY. There wouldn’t be much to gain in doing this besides freeing up monster slots to make further plays.
I knew the Harpies were going to be a Fusion, it didn’t make sense being a maximum after the one we already had and the fact that Rush Duel is on it’s GX Era of Fusion Monsters
I expected more cards in this first announcement, but this is still a solid start. For the time being, Triangle Beauty and Hysteric Party are better than Overdragon and Cyber Rush Fusion. While the first two Rush SDs were packed with so many new cards, I expect this number to be lower for CyDra and Harpies since these Decks are far more established.
i think the most interesting thing from all of this is Chimeratech’s effect text.
up to this point, the line above [REQUIREMENT] has been reserved for stuff related to the summon of the monster. but this one uses it to explain original ATK gain effects.
this opens up potential for future card designs as now we can give main deck monsters an atk modifying continuous effect and ignition effect while not necessarily having to tie it to the summon.
The Harpie Lady Sisters should have been a fusion card so long ago!!!
brats are so lucky….
At last, I can Minimum Summon my Harpie Lady Sisters and not have to cry in sadness!
Funny to see Chimeratech’s board wipe effect integrated into the fusion spell instead.
Ahhh yes… I’m gonna buy both decks I guess
OMG I love this so much, Cydras live on in Rush Duels!