Yu-Gi-Oh! figures were on display at Wonder Festival 2025 Winter last weekend, including new offerings and old.
From Revoltech, a prototype poseable figure of “Dark” Zane Truesdale/”Hell Kaiser” Ryo Marufuji was on display alongside the already released Kaiyoudo Cyber Dragon.
No details were released, but if the image and previous GX figures are anything to go by, the Duel Disk is likely removable and foldable.
Source: VJump Twitter
Revoltech also showed off their Yami Yugi figure and a prototype for their next monster figure – Black Luster Soldier, demonstrating the figure’s articulation by recreating its debut pose from the manga.
Source: VJump Twitter
AMAKUNI’s Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier figurine for the Monster Figure Collection was on display for the first time!
Source: VJump Twitter
AmiAmi’s coloured Jack Atlas, Akiza Izinski/Aki Izayoi and Red Dragon Archfiend figures were also on display, though there’s still no word on price and release date.
Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon figure

wow that brionac figure looks insane
No black rose dragon
The Jack Atlas figure looks really cool. Would be much better with Scarlet (or any of the newer RDA’s) but i’ll take it
Also wtf are those tags dude? Have a beef with Ice Barrier?
Inside jokes from a decade ago that are meant purely in good fun.
Need Stardust and Black Rose Dragon
there is already stardust dragon figure released few years ago.
I hope S.H makes a Red Dragon Archfiend figure, for posability. Same for Black Rose Dragon. I prefer them as figures than statues or display figs.
You know what? I wish they’d made a Jack Atlas Duel Disk, because he had the coolest design. It was sleek and compact.