Will you save people’s lives or free men’s souls?
The second wave of “TACTICAL-TRY DECK” products will be released on Saturday, May 24th, 2025.
Two themes with differing tactics, “Rescue-ACE” and “Exosister” will be released at the same time, and you can choose your favorite Deck, including the three themes currently on sale.
TACTICAL-TRY DECK 超骸装部隊R-ACE Chou Kaisou Butai Rescue-ACE (Super Exo-Armored Force: Rescue-ACE)
TACTICAL-TRY DECK 退魔天使エクソシスター Taima Tenshi Exosister (Exorcist Angels: Exosister)
Release Date: May 24th, 2025
1 Pre-Constructed Deck
Price: 1100 Yen
Each Deck comes with 50 Cards (1 Ultra Rare + 49 Commons)
Note: Rescue-ACE’s Deck name is a play on Kaisou (Modify), but uses a Kanji that is used in Disaster or Wreckage, so they’re basically emergency relief in powered armor.
You tellin me, I’m boutta get free Star Seraph non-archetype because of them. Deal.
For half a million of ppl asking about new cards: Just as in case of original three Try-Out decks, there will be probably no new cards included but down the line we will get support for these two decks in some booster pack.
I always thought it was also a pun on tri, like three at once, guess not
Is there no Duelist Pack this year? These two decks took the usual release slot reserved for them.
Not in May at least.
Guess we can’t have nice things now that every attribute is done. Then again last year was so insulting we already did not have nice things.
the last one took Deck Build’s slot if I remember correctly that’s why Centurion, Valmo and Memento got a lot of support unlike the other Deck Build packs
The question is: How many Maxx “C” are in each of these Decks?
@Pt: only in the OCG
@yukicrewger2 I am in the Philippines so I am an OCG player….
hmm I don’t like this, it’s not like both archetypes were perfect but they are quite popular and with an acceptable level
Projecting support in three sets or more seems exaggerated to me and could be used for more urgent things
they are easy to use decks, which are good for new players
and exosister surely needs support
PUNK just got support, and most of the archetypes from DBP’s prior to grand creators just got a new wave of support, so exosister support is right around the corner regardless. I would even say exos are pretty desperate for support at the moment since they havent really done much since tears were tier 0 (since shifter and GY banishment was pretty good against them), and Malice just kind of took the decks whole gimmick but did it better.
some protection or recovery would do wonders since exos have no negates and fold to raigeki
especially now that cope like shifter is getting hit on the banlist
Is there a chance that Exosister and Rescue-ace will get a new support ?
most likely pretty much like how live twins, cydra, and eldlich got new support
TCG would never
Kevin Tewart must hate these decks with a passion. 😁
What a bizarre statement. They don’t “hate” OCG products. They just don’t determine them as the most effective way to make money internationally, which can be detrimental to the players, but emotion doesn’t have anything to do with it.