It’s not been clarified why exactly they’re here or what they’re doing here.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series franchise, an assortment of artists who have sung opening and ending themes from throughout the franchise, along with members of the voice cast of the animated series “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters”, will be assembling at TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN on July 12th, 2025 for a special event “Anime “Yu-Gi-Oh!” Series 25th Duelist Live Kingdom”!
Kazama Shinsuke (VA for The Protaganist Muto Yugi/Yami Yugi), Tsuda Kenjiro (VA for Yugi’s fated rival, Kaiba Seto), Takahashi Hiroki (Jounouchi Katsuya), Takuichi Junko (Kaiba Mokuba), Iwanaga Tetsuya (Marik Ishtar), Nanao Haruhi (Kujaku Mai) will be attending!
Also, cinema staff, who performed theme songs for “Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V” has been confirmed to appear as another group of musicians at the event!
Don’t miss out on this exciting stage performance featuring theme song artists and bands from throughout the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and cast members from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters!
We don’t want crxp. We want an anime/movie thats a continuation to the DM/original series or a crossover anime between all series (except rush+)
You’ll get Rush remake of DM and you’ll enjoy it.
Seconded. Heck, bring back the original series as a remake, introducing new characters, new plotlines, and maybe update to the link era cards.
I’d be interesting to see Kaiba use the new Blue-Eyes Link monster, among others
We don’t want anything related to DM/original series. We want something good, like continuations of literally anything but DM/GX.
It’s not gonna happen. It is way easier to write a Rush Duel than it is for a Master Rules Duel, especially with how advanced it has gotten over the years. You can really tell during Vrains that they were struggling to make the Duels interesting, but they still weren’t playing those Decks optimally.
A lot of Duels go over 2+ Episodes, some of the longer Duels going over 4 (Yugi vs Pegasus was 5, Yugi vs Kaiba in Battle City was 6) whereas a majority of Duels in Sevens and Go Rush happen all in a single episode with around 4 turns at most. Only really saving the longer Duels for the end of an arc, which go over 2 episodes, very rarely 3. A lot still happens within those 4 turns, whereas in DM for example, there were a lot of nothing turns, mostly setting and passing.
First, there is no way they are going to do a sequel to DM because Kaz passed away (and the original author of a work passing away is a big deal, look at Dragon Ball Super that stopped its manga since last year with Toriyama death, when Toriyama was only overseeing it, they only released a small one-shot recently and still no info on if or when the story will continue), and DSOD was a good ending, on top of a bunch of other problem like there would be a massive Gap between anime and irl game, which mean you will have a problem when people you got in the game through anime try to go in the irl game and get their anime deck stopped by a bunch of waifu and dragon. It is Basically the problem of the average anime theme until ArcV, where they upped the power of anime themes so they perform at least decently irl, but that resulted into duel that became less and less entertaining. Rush Duel did not came out of nowhere, it was made as a result of the feedback of both ArcV and Vrains and a need for a better entry point in the YGO IP because master duel just don’t work for that anymore.
As for a “Crossover anime”, that the most stupid idea i ever heard, i never saw a single IP do a whole “Crossover serie”, at best you get 1 or 2 episodes, and it is just cameo fan service (like Sentai series or Digimon Xros Wars did to pick some random exemples). Hell, Look at how returning character worked for ArcV, that was just bad for all the characters involved, the only one that somehow worked was Jack (and i might be slightly biased because he is one of my favorite character)
I cant stand damn DM remakes. I’d rather watch GX/5DS/Zexal/VRains stuff
Rush duel anime is terrible. The game is unappealing for most players, it is not doing well in duel links for a reason.
Is also outsold like half of the year by niche TCG’s like detective konan TCG, etc.
In OCG the only thing it has done is cannibalize the sales of the OCG by these special snowflakes that “hate master rules” but claim to still like ygo (more like they are bad at the game, that’s why they get bored easily because they keep losing over and over again).
Tried rush, game is very shallow and gets old quickly. Would rather play pokemon TCG or One Piece if i wanted to grab a great game that is less complex than ygo (and pokemon and one piece are much more strategic than even the main YGO).
I doubt they would release rush for TCG territories
The Rush Animes made me enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh again arc v and Vrains was good awful
the Rush Format is a consistent top 10 card game in japan, where there is a lot of competition, so as far as we are aware, it is doing fine sales wise, the fact that it lasted 5 years now is enough of a proof as Konami would have axed it by now if it was not doing fine (it was never expected to do master duel level of sales in the first place)
Anime wise, I’m sorry, but ArcV and Vrains were boring duel wise, nobody find interesting watching Yusaku doing fooder spam for half an episode. YGO is good when there is a variety of strategy, like 5d’s had Yusei doing combo play, Jack hammering the other side with raw aggressivity and Crow being about swarming the field easily. The problem is ArcV and Vrains mostly had slight variation of combo players (like IRL master duel format), and that just a pain to make it entertaining in the long term. After, while I’m not a fan of Go Rush (but it is more a writing problem, it is not at my taste), I loved the hell out of Sevens, and even then, i would take Go Rush over Vrains every time because at least Yusaku have funny and interesting moments while Yusaku felt stoic and boring from start until the last few episode.
Now, “The game in unappealing for most players”, guess what? Master duel is also unappealing for most players, want a fact? master duel steam chart numbers:
– it started at 262,689 concurrent players, in january 2022 (launch and overall peak)
– 3 month later, in april, it had dropped to 86,268
– it continued to fall afterward, and since October 2022, it stat at around 40K concurrent players in average, with some peak some month like February (because anniversary events) before dropping back
the Numbers and sales are still good, otherwise it would have been shut down, but If Master Duel as a format and how it is played was that appealing, people would not have left in such numbers, you don’t lose over 80% of your average players if your game is as great as you make it sound like.
People are free to prefer Rush over Master duel, like some are free to prefer Master duel over Rush, and a lot of people even like both, having a different format for a card game that is 25 year old not is weird, and it don’t make them “snowflakes” (whatever you mean by that beside being rude), they just don’t find a format about opening handtraps or you die before you even to get to play because your opponent would be free to build a crazy field fun, because guess what, not being able to play in a game is frustrating for the average player that just want to have fun. People don’t “hate master rules”, they hate the powercreep which made Master duel play the way it is played nowadays (after, let’s be honest, Master duel format was never really balanced, it has shaky foundation from day one)
Lucky. I got selected to attend to the show.
Oh good, It’s the 25th anniversary again. I was beginning to think they weren’t going to do it again this year.
Cohifeg701 I agree with you, except about the DBS stuff. Yes he was the original author, and decided to take a backseat but still overlook everything super. He knew he couldn’t do this forever and has been training someone to replace him, Toyotaro. This man came out Super Hero movie, he came out with Diama, he came out with the one-shot The birth of saiyaman X, and even said in an interview that none of those were the actual anniversary series they were talking about, so we still have another series coming out this year! But no super anime will continue on at least until the end of the manga now, after gas and grenolah, after black frieza one taps both goku and vegeta, and they will prolly include goku training with beast gohan cause why not? Everyone wants to see the 2 strongest fight. Now for yugioh do not remake the original Yugioh that would be the stupidest idea ever!!! Kids grew up loving that game, their decks, and the people in the tourney so no that’s a dumb idea. And no a crossover will not work either, those are usually 6-8 episodes split across all 4 different shows each getting 2. It gets a big bag to fight with more than one team which is cool but it takes away from the original story and now those 2 episodes that could’ve been used to set up the bad character. It would be cool someone climbed down the hole and grabbed either a Millennium item or the god cards and they take either one of them into a story, either way could work but I take just the god cards since the other would mean yami would have to come back and don’t see that happening. That’s a much better idea than just whippin stuff out an callin it Yugioh. Most people only watch Yugioh, GX, 5D, and maybe zexal. So if they do come up with a new one just hope it’s better than the other 2. You got so many characters now, why can’t someone from 5D accidentally dig up the god cards an that start something? I’m assuming there’s still an Egypt in all these places now so entirely possible, excavate the cave, find the hole and unbury it, climb down and find your treasure. Boom new villian to set up the whole new arc of Yugioh X. (Replace X later when plot and characters are filled in) bro that would go so hard! Everyone loved the god cards and then they keeping making other “gods” but none are nostalgic than the original. Do this an while making it plan your next series as this will give you plenty of time to perfect anything. All this other crossover or whatever won’t work at all! A movie like they made 2 where he comes back I don’t think it’ll work either but the people would like to see Atem one more time so could be an idea, but still think my idea would be better viewer and profit wise for the company. Why see something we basically saw 3 times before, pyramid of light, dark side of dimension, and bonds of time? New is always better an I think they’ll knock it out the park long as the stray away from sevens and arc-v