The Ultimate Black Magic: DEATH ULTIMA
The Structure Deck Artwork
RD/SD0E-JP001 マジシャン・オブ・ブラックカオス Magician of Black Chaos
Level 8 DARK Spellcaster Ritual Effect Monster
ATK 2800
DEF 2600
This card’s name is treated as “Dark Magician” while in the GY.
RD/SD0E-JP004 Dark Magician (Reprint)
RD/SD0E-JP005 Dark Magician Girl (Reprint)
RD/SD0E-JP006 混沌の翼竜 Konton no Yokuryuu (Winged Dragon of Chaos)
Level 4 WIND Dragon Effect Monster
ATK 1400
DEF 1200
【REQUIREMENT】 During the turn this card was Normal or Special Summoned.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 “Black Magic Ritual” in your GY and Set it in your Spell & Trap Zone. If you have not drawn a card this Main Phase, then you can draw 1 card.
RD/SD0E-JP010 祭殿の探究者 Saiden no Tankyuusha (Explorer of the Temple)
Level 4 DARK Spellcaster Effect Monster
ATK 1100
DEF 500
【REQUIREMENT】 Shuffle 2 monsters from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 Level 7 Ritual Monster with 2300 ATK and 2500 DEF in your GY and Special Summon it to your field face-up.
RD/SD0E-JP030 カオス-黒魔術の儀式 Chaos – Kuromajutsu no Gishiki (Chaos – Black Magic Ritual) [Black Magic Ritual]
Ritual Spell Card
【EFFECT】 Ritual Summon “Magician of Black Chaos” by sending monsters in your hand and/or on your field to the GY whose combined levels total 8 or more as material. (You cannot use more monsters than necessary as material.)
Current Confirmed List of Cards:
Magician of Black Chaos
Dark Magician
Dark Magician Girl
Winged Dragon of Chaos
Explorer of the Temple
Legendary Swordsman – Buster Blader
Dark Executor Warlock
Dark Sword Magician
Obsidian Magical Soldier
Darkness Fource Seeker
Legend Magician
Witness of Dragon Destroyer
Mature Dark Magician
Sevens Road Magician
Sevens Road Witch
Sevens Road Sorcerer
Sevens Road Enchanter
Sevens Road Mage
Dark Sorcerer
Black Magic Ritual
Thousand Knives
Dark Magic Attack
Dark Resonance Burst
Spell Extraction
Legend Strike
Mirror Force
Nobody Scat Thief
Magical Retribution
Magician’s Sense
Our first ritual, and with hints at another
Okay, some things to discuss.
– This Structure appears to be the first look at Ritual Summoning in Rush Duels: specifically, with a Ritual Monster with no Effect.
– However, Explorer of the Temple hints that we’ll have new Ritual Monsters for Dark Magician here (possibly one or two new Ritual Monsters)
– As someone mentioned in the past, we have reprints focused on Buster Blader as well as Sevens Road (to complement the 5th Anniversary Pack and Accel Road of the Attack)
I suspect that on March 23rd or 26th they will reveal those unknown Ritual Monsters exclusive to Rush Duels.
I feel like it’s going to be a dark magician of chaos girl which I’m kinda shocked we haven’t gotten yet
Interesting that they’ve revealed a card that only supports cards they haven’t revealed yet. There isn’t even any level 7 rituals with 2300 ATK and 2500 DEF in the TCG so it really could be anything.
Gaia ritual
Will we get a proper BLS ritual next?
Magician of Black Chaos being treated as DM in the GY intrigues me, since currently there are only 2 cards – DMG and Mature – to take advantage of this. With the Buster Blader cards including Legendary (who is treated as Buster in the GY) reprinted for Dark Paladin, I wonder if Konami will print a Wonder Fusion clone for Dark Magician in here or in 5th Anniversary Pack to use GY materials.
Black Magic Ritual having a use in the GY despite only summoning MoBC hints that there will be other Ritual Spells that can treat its name as BMR in the GY.
Winged Dragon of Chaos will likely reset multiple Ritual Spells and give the Deck even more draw power. It is a reference to the manga, where Yugi uses the original Winged Dragon to Ritual Summon MoBC against Pegasus.
Explorer of the Temple supports an unknown Ritual, though based on the abundance of DARK Spellcaster support in here I highly suspect it will be DARK Spellcaster as well.
The Magical Retribution reprint may also hint at more Level 6 DARK Spellcasters aside from DMG and Witch, possibly even a third Ritual since we have space for three. No Warlock reprint is surprising though.
Based on the Ritual blurb on the official website it is also implied that non-Effect Ritual monsters may eventually be printed too.
Funny how they’ve made Black Chaos count as DM in the GY to compensate for having removed him from DMG’s effect.
And in doing so they made the card a lot better now since MoBC will be compatible with every card that interacts with DM in the GY.
Also because they buffed DMG’s ATK boost to compensate for her having fewer cards to boost off of, now she can hit 4k potentially.
dmg orignaly had 500 boost in source story
Why Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress 1 as a supportive monster?
As someone mentioned, it’s a reference to the DM Manga: where Yugi uses Winged Dragon to Ritual Summon MoBC against Pegasus.
I could see a Griffore monster supporting BLS.
Winged Dragon of Chaos means we won’t gonna have a Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress 1 retrain for the Shining Sarcophagus deck?
Still possible but it was unlikely in the first place unless Shining Sarc gets it’s own Magician of black Chaos retrain.. It’s a reference to one of the materials used to summon MoBC in the manga.
If the ritual MATERIAL isn’t DM + 2 monsters with 1500 atk or less I lose interest. I do appreciate Winged Dragon of Chaos though. Now just RUSHify Jigen Bakudan.
Starting to feel like More proof Rush series are based in a Ritual dimension.
Especially because apparently we aren’t getting XYZ In rush duel with the new Black rarity cards. So likely there won’t be the other established gimmicks as well.
good, they shouyld keep the ocg and tcg gimmicks (besides fusion and ritual obviously) out of rush and come up with their own,
Treated as Dark Magician. :/ You don’t see BLS forcibly being treated as Gaia the Fierce Knight.
We totally should see that! The remaining 2 canon rituals, Relinquished and Masked Beast don’t have a base form so you can ignore it in their cases.
It’s to make it work with DMG and few other support cards. Also, lore-wise it is one of DM’s evolved forms.
I also have the funny feeling they wanted to put the condition so it wouldn’t be the first Rush Duel card where the only text on the card would be [REQUIREMENT] None & [EFFECT] None since it otherwise has nothing (especially since Rits in Rush Duel do not list their Spell Card in the text).
Is treat DM to work with effect of DMG, so no, BLS no will turns gaia in gy
If a game only had fusions and rituals I’d differentiate the former by having the material be stacked underneath the fusion. The flavor of fusion material being sent to the gy should raise an eyebrow! How much interaction there should be with fusion material outside of de-fusion is a question for another day.
The ritual mentioned in explorer’s effect is probably Dmoc DMG
Don’t like the artwork remake with Magician of Black Chaos here, it feels too colorful & bright, and lost bit of it’s gothic flare. Personally not a fan with most of the Rush version art remakes in general honestly.
Wasn’t meant for you anyways
Nice try, but I do play Rush.
I mean the artwork looks sick asf.
They had a chance to actually make it a bit more viable, but they chose to not give any meaningful effect to RD versuon of Magician of Black Chaos. Shame… I hope this archetype gets the HERO treatment in RD.
They haven’t completely changed an established card like that so far..
I’m certain it will gain its own support, so it won’t need an effect
This is probably because it’s a Ritual Monster whose Ritual materials don’t have to be on the field
good, they should keep the ocg and tcg gimmicks (besides fusion and ritual obviously) out of rush and come up with their own. (fixed it)